Chapter 1 | Meet the Royals

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Waking up was really hard to do this morning, but I finally convinced myself to get ready for school. 5 minutes later, I start doing my makeup routine. It's just consists of mascara, blush, and lipgloss. Looking at it now, I guess it not really a routine. Anyway, I put on my uniform, which was just tailored to fit me perfectly. Before I text Robin to see where he is, I look at myself, and I must say it was a good idea to get my uniform tailored, because it hugs my curves in every way possible. Suddenly, I get a text from Robin.

Robin: Hey..babe come down..I'm outside.

Nadine: Kk

     I quickly ran, got a granola bar, and got into Robin's car. We said our good mornings and greeted each other even more with a kiss. Soon we were off to school. YAY. Note the sarcasm.

     We walked in, hand in hand, and met up with the rest of our friends. I ran when I saw Amanda, hugging her till she couldn't breathe. I soon greeted the rest of the group, but skipped James. Instead, I sticked my tongue out at him. I don't exactly like him, but I have to be alright with him...because he is best friends with my boyfriend.

Then out of nowhere, I start to smell Chanel perfume. Ugh.

"Guess who is coming? Oh it's Lucifer..." I said while trying not to puke.

"Excuse me...Its Lucy..Lucy Park...not lucifer" she said with a very high pitched voice.

     I couldn't stand her. She wants to be with Robin. She's jealous of me. I start to have a really bad rash if I'm around fake people. Don't I just love sarcasm. Anyway, back to reality.

No Fucking Way.

      "Can you let go of MY boyfriend?" emphasizing MY BOYFRIEND. I turn around to see Lucy trying to hug Robin. Like what the hell.

"Yea..seriously I'm getting uncomfortable"

     "Fine, but just know one day Robin will be mine." Lucy said while smirking directly at me.

       "You better stop smirking or else I will smack it off. You know what keep smirking cause I really have the urge to hit you right now. NOW LET GO OF MY BOYFRIEND"

      "Bye...Royals...oh wait I mean peasants" She said, while laughing. She snapped her fingers and the rest of her fake ass clan followed her.

     "OH no you didn't!" Amanda tried to run after he, but thankfully Myles held her back and calmed her down.

"Oh my, we have to go, we have class...LETS GO!"

      I grabbed Amanda, said my goodbyes, kissed Robin, then ran to our first class before we were we gonna be late. We make it to class just in time for Mrs.Welch's lecture about the body. Exciting.

     Royals. Everyone calls us the Royals because of how rich our parents are. Our parents own some of the most successful running banks, business, and buildings. So obviously they put us in one of the most expensive and educational school. Also some of the boys in our friend group might come off as mean, but they are really nice once you get to know them. Well most of them besides James, I mean he hs his good days, but those days don't happen that often.

     Lunch. I love lunch. It's one of my favorite times of the day, besides breakfast and dinner. Today for lunch was tacos because it was taco Tuesday. How cliché. Robin by my side we make our way to the our lunch table in the center of the room.

     Myles, James, Leo, and Amanda were already there. As soon as we sat down, I quickly ate all my food. Maybe I was just a little hungry. Soon enough I started to eat food off of Robin's plate without him noticing. Suddenly, when I tried to take some more, he turned around and caught my hand. Then he kissed me, leaving me as red as a tomato. Surprisingly, he fed me the rest of his food till lunch ended. Lunch was alright. It was the same as usual. We talk and eat.

     We all have the same class for next period, so we hurriedly left the cafeteria. On our way to class, some girl bumps into James. She fell and all of her stuff scattered because of the impact.

"What the fuck? Watch where your going?"

"I-I-I'm so-sorry" the poor girl pleaded.

"You better be"

"Hey stop be a douche, it was an accident" I help the girl gather her things together.

He just rolled his eyes.

"Hey, just be careful next time" I say giving her an assuring smile.

"Thanks" she said shyly.

    School was finally over. We decided to all meet in SoHo after we get changed. Robin dropped off Amanda and I at my house, but before he left, we talked for a little. Well mostly making out. Until Amanda yelled at us for being to "cheesy and romantic" that it makes her sick. This girl needs to get herself her own boyfriend.

     We laughed at her comments, but I did have to get dressed. So, I said my goodbye to Robin and went inside to change.

     After all of the outfits we tried on we finally picked what we were wearing to the SoHo. Amanda decided to wear a loose white t-shirt, with long black bell bottoms, brown heels, with her hair pinned to one side of her head, letting the rest cascade down to her shoulders. As for me I'm wearing a black tank crop top, high waisted black jeans with a skit on each knee, white sneakers, with my hair naturally down.

 As for me I'm wearing a black tank crop top, high waisted black jeans with a skit on each knee, white sneakers, with my hair naturally down

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       Robin and Myles picked us up about 10 minutes later. The car ride to SoHo was fun. We sang our hearts out just to annoy Myles and Robin. It's cute when Robin get annoyed, it makes him mad. He's hot when he's mad. I especially saw that Amanda and Myles were kinda unusual towards each other. Like they were more touchy than usual.

      Anyway, when we were at a stop light, James and Leo pulled up next to us. We had a sing-off and of course we won. But it was really funny watching Leo trying to sing with James as his back up.

     We went into a lot of stores within 2 hours. Amanda and I bought a lot of stuff while the boys had to carry it. But they did buy some of their own stuff. We decided to stop at Starbucks and get some things to snack on. We actually stayed longer than we planed to. We just started talking and laughing at each other.

     At some point, Leo said he was gonna throw a party this Friday since his parents are traveling to Italy for a business trip. We all agreed, except Myles. Myles is such a goody goody disguised as a serious bad boy. Finally, after a lot of convincing he decided to come. I think Amanda helped a lot, but I don't know why.

     We finished our little get together around 10 pm. Since we had school the next day and a curfew, we had to get going. Amanda decided o sleep over my house. It was around 10:30 pm when Robin and Myles dropped us off. As soon as we got up to my room, we changed and went straight to sleep.

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