Sarahs Protecters

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The carage stopped in front of the Theems Castle. A young man came by with three of his guards
Young Man : Hello Im King Mich
Sarah Whispered: Why are we here its this one of the Evil Powerfuls
Mara Whispered : Yes but they have a new nicer leader
Chris : Hello Can we talk to you
Mich: Sure
Mich shows everyone inside
Sarah : So your the new king
Mich: Yes I am Welcome now what would you like to talk about
Chris : Um we need your help were in war with the Hemoton Kingdom
Mich: Oh I would lo
Old Man : Oh No we are not im not letting you betray our legacy young man we are there allies ever since the First war Powerfuls against Powerfuls
Mich: Sorry this is my great great grandpa Eric
Eric: Oh Its you fine living without powers ha you were a fool at least your great great granddaughter didnt do the same stupid thing as well haha i wish she did it would be funny to see another one of the most powerful people in the world fall to someone of his bloodline
Sarah : Excuse me sir but shes not....... Wait are you
Eric: HAHA SHE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW WOW its been long since ive laughed like this to ashamed Mara you were weak and foolish Haha
Mara : Sarah I sorry
Eric: You were never there for them were you Haha probably why your daughter and granddaughter are dead well I guess shes next haha
Mich: Guards get him OUT OF HERE
Guards surrounded him and escorted him out of the room
Sarah : Im going to go outside for a bit see you later
Sarah then walked outside
Mich: Im sorry Mara my great great grandpa thinks hes better than you I.... Im going to help you in war
Chris : Really why
Mich: I hate that war ever since my family was there allies and I dont want to be, Im done with my dark past and Im hoping Princess Sarah will lets us join as allies Im king now my Eric will just have to deal with it
Mara:Thank you Mich I wish everyone in your bloodline was this way
Mich: Your welcome
Four hours has past, Sarah had finally entered still shocked about everything that happened before
Mara : Can I talk to you
Sarah : Why you've never talked to me or my family before the Andrew incident why are you still here
Mara : I know your mad im very sorry but I have my reasons
Sarah : Whats that
Mara : Im weak and all I wanted to do is become strong again to protect you and your mother I didnt after the war I lost myself and the reason to go on untill I had your great grandmother she was all I had my protecters had left to find families, have a life, while I had nothing I hated myself, Nowing that they had a blood line I stayed away they wanted to destroy me I wanted to keep her safe but I failed and her daughter as well but I couldn't so I kept my distance hoping they would be safer I was not going to let you make the same mistake as I did Sarah keep this power and never give it up with it you can actually protect you friends and love ones were I cant Im sorry I failed
Sarah : ( Hugs Mara ) I forgive you
Mara : ( Hugs Sarah
Few hours has past Sarah and the other were getting ready to leave.
Chris : Cant wait to go " home "
Sarah : Yeah
Man Talking Fast : Hello im Jacob the kings brother I was wondering were your going
Chris : Places
Jacob: HAHA funny
Sarah : Did someone give you suger ... or drugs
Jacob: No im just like this
Mara : Okay Jacob we have to go
Jacob: Wait did my brother give you a tour
Sarah : No
Jacob: WHAT he always forgets Hey can I give you one
Mara : Sure will your brother let you
Jacob: Ill ask be right back
Jacob zoomed off and came back twenty minutes later
Jacob: Yeah
Jacob gave Sarah and the others a tour of the Kingdom
Jacob: So this is the end of the to.....
Right before Jacob finished Andrews Guards jumped them Chris grabbed his sword, Zoey here staff, Jacob grabbing a sword as well
Guard: Ready to die princess
Before Sarah could grab her sword he lunged at her, Blade plunging at her it was suddenly stop by Jacob, Jacob was glowing changing into a similar form as Zoey and Chris did before
Jacob quick as lightning Stabbed one of the guards but the others escaped. After retreated Jacob pasted out. Three hours later he woke
Jacob: What going on I dont remember what happened
Mich : Brother you have to go with them
Jacob: Why
Sarah : Your one of my protecters
Jacob : I am cool I promise ill do a good job
Mich : Im sure you will be careful
Jacob: Okay Ill get my things
Jacob grabbed his things and the went off. Six hours past and they stopped at Mero Kingdom
Mara : They are strong they will be a perfect allie
Sarah : Yeah
Jacob: So this is Mero Castle its big
Stranger : Bigger inside
A man walked toward them
Chris : Who are you ( grabs sword
Stranger : Im Marcus Nice to meet you princess you look better than I imagined
Sarah : Thanks Marcus
Jacob: You live here
Marcus: Yeah Im kind of a bad boy
Chris : Sure ( rolls eyes
Mara : Well nice to meet you we have business to attend
Marcus: Well if your looking for the king hes out going to Hemoton Kingdom or something I think you may have been to late
Mara : Dang it
Sarah : Well then we better go
Marcus: Let me help you there coming back and if they see they will kill you
Chris : How do you know there allies
Marcus: Because Andrew has been forcing kingdons to be allies even if they didnt want to
Sarah : Oh no
Marcus: Come on quickly
Marcus lead them to the outside of the kingdom until Andrews guards attacked Stronger than ever.
Sarah : Oh no
Marcus : What the
Before he could finish a guard lunged at Sarah, Chris blocked him, Another attacked but there were to many
A man glowing red looking the opposite of Chris form
Man : Hello im Tocro Andrews protecter and your destroyer
Tocro lunged at her but was suddenly shot down by Marcus, who is glowing and taking a similar form as Jacob
The rest or Andrews guards fled and Marcus tumbled to the floor. Chris and Jacob quickly grabbed him and put him in the carage taking him to the castle hoping Andrew has not found any more of his protecters

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