Princess Sarah

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Sarah wakes up in her bed shocked to see her brother standing over her
Sarah screamed : Ahhhh what are you doing in my room
Her bother smirked: Im just admiring the view
Sarah yelled : WHAT ? You weirdo
Her brother laughed : Haha No silly mom wants you to come down for breakfast
Sarah: oh well tell her ill be down in a minute....... Oh yeah Brandon STAY OUT OF MY ROOM
Brandon: Okay Okay calm down ..... (brat)
Sarah: I heard that leave
Brandon: FINE!
Brandon left her room in a hurry Sarah then put on her clothes and went down stairs
Queen Emily : Now Sarah remember the meeting we have with the Hemoton Kingdom
Sarah: Yes mother I do but why do I have to come
Queen Emily : Because the king asked if you could and I said yes
Sarah: Are you saying I didnt have to WHAT
Brandon: Oh snap here we go Mom im going in my room to read
Queen Emily : Ok ....... Sarah please dont argue
Sarah : Okay Mother
Queen Emily : Now lets go
The enter a beautiful carage and went to the Hemoton Kingdom
King Herman : Welcome Mrs. Doe of the the Doe Kingdom you look magnificent
Emily : Well thank you Oh I almost forgot this is my daughter Sarah ( Looks at her )
Sarah : Hello Sir
Herman: Nice to meet you these are my two Sons Oldest and soon to be King Andrew
Andrew: Hello my lady
Herman: And my youngest son Christopher
Christopher: Hello you can call me Chris if you want
Sarah : Nice to meet you both ( she blushs )
Herman: Well Boys me and Mrs.Doe must cover some important business please give Ms.Sarah a tour
Andrew: I shall show her around Chris you can do more Knight practice
Chris: Yes got to work on my skills
Chris leaves. As soon as he's gone Andrew wraps his arm around Sarahs
Andrew : Shall we go
Sarh: Yeah sure
Two hours has past and Andrew had finished giving her the tour and they went to the balcony
Andrew: Does this leader stuff bother you, does it always feel like people are always expecting you to be perfect but you not which makes you f.. feel like you ... failed
Sarah: No not really I have the chance of not being Leader if I wed so I really dont worry about it but I kind of want to find that perfect guy I do not want to rule a kingom on my own sure Ill have my brother but if he doesn't become King he said he would leave the kingom to find his own path , be a knight or something
Andrew: Being king scares me
Sarah : Why
Andrew: My father ..... he has a great power that only my family knows about its some what evil it can turn the purest heart into something darker than the night .... I have part of that power so does my brother I just dont know how to use it I dont want to hurt my people or anyone
Sarah: Wow you've got it rough
Andrew: Yeah
Sarah: How strong is it.... the power?
Andrew: I dont know ... my dad he is bad no one out of this kingom knows, if anyone told how evil and twisted he is that person and all the people they told would be executed
Sarah: You just told me
Andrew: Dont worry when I because king he will be powerless
Even though he has the power I would be king my guards would not let me or you be harmed
Sarah: Oh tough I promise I wont tell a soul
Andrew: Good I would hate for him to kill you your a person I actually talk to about this stuff
Sarah: What about your brother?
Andrew: Hes so determined to be a knight I dont really talk to his my father disproves of this he wants him to be a personal guard for me but he didnt want to he wanted to fight with his friends not " waist" his time looking after me
Sarah: Wow you guys must argue sometime huh
Andrew: Yeah the times we do talk we .....
Sarah: ALRIGHT MOTHER IM COMING Maybe we can talk another time
Andrew: Yeah I would like that
Two Months Later Andrew and Sarah have been seeing each other. While there relationship bloomed relations between the kingdoms bursted into a argument between leaders not liking the fact the were together
At Hemoton Kingdom
Andrew: Father you cant stop me from seeing her I care about her more than anyone here
Andrew: YES THE PEOPLE YOU DONT CARE FOR the only reason you dont want me with her is because you think THEY WILL FIND OUT YOUR TWISTED WAYS
Herman: You WILL stay away from her
Andrew: At least I have one
Andrew zoomed out of the room in a furry
Herman: Christopher GET OUT
Chris: Father
Hermans eyes turned from blue to black as black cloud formed around him. Six of his guards came to calm him while other shoved Chris out of the room. Chris so mad he marched up to Andrews room, opened the door but he wasn't there
Chris: I will stop this!
Chris grabbed his blade and headed toward the Doe Kingdom
Two hours have past Sarah was in her room thinkig about the things her mother just told her until she heard a knock on her window. She opened it seeing that it was Andrew she let him in
Andrew: Sarah I want to be with you
Sarah : I want to be with you too but...
Andrew: But what
Sarah: My mom told me something about myself and I want to tell you but im afraid that would be the only reason you want to be with me
Andrew: ..... Tell me
Sarah: ( Takes a breath ) I have powers very strong powers that can only be unlocked if I be Queen of my kingdom Or I give that power to someone I wed
Andrew: If you married me I would have this power if you wanted me too
Sarah: yes
Andrew: So I love you no matter what, that does change how much I want to marry you at all
Sarah: Really!
Andrew: Yeah I have something to tell you as well
Sarah: What
Andrew: I have a five year old son
Sarah: WHAT!
Andrew: My last love told me a few weeks ago I didnt even know now he lives with us in the castle ...... Oh I must leave before my guards wonder were I am
Sarah: Ok goodnight
Andrew: Good night My love (Kisses her on the cheek)
Twenty minutes go by and she hears a knocking on her window
Sarah: Andrew?
She opens the window to find his brother Chris
Chris: Hey may I talk to you
Sarah: Uh .... sure
Chris climbs up into Sarahs room
Chris: Sarah I want you to stay away from my brother (he pulls out is sword)
Sarah: WHY
Chris: My dad he mad and hes really mean when he is please for good people's lives stay away tell his you dont love him or something
Sarah: ( tears roll down her face) O.. okay
Chris: um you really like him
Sarah: Yes
Chris: Want to talk my dad wont mind he doesn't care about what i do plus im not my brother I dont like you in that way we can be friends I mean in the future I you do marry him you would be my sister ive never had a sister it seems cool
Sarah: Yeah we can be friends
Chris: Cool
Chris and Sarah talked for three hours untill Chris left. The next day Andrew came by
Andrew: Sarah I know how we can be together
Sarah : REALLY how
Andrew : I cant say much but I have plan I cant tell
Sarah: Okay
Andrew: Bye
Sarah: Bye?
Then Andrew rushed out the window

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