Laura's New House

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"Thanks Mr. Jacobs.", said Laura as she took the keys of the house from the owner.The moving truck finally came and she decided to unpack her stuff. ''Oh, I am so glad , I am away from that crowded ,noisy apartment", she told herself. She was so tired of packing up all her belongings last night so she decided to get some rest. When she lied doown on her comfy bed, she heard someone whispering her name. "Maybe, I'm just hearing things, that's all." The house was as big as those celebrity mansions but was built 11 years ago.

Laura closed her eyes tight and tried to sleep. She felt someone running their finger through her neat black hair; she opened her eyes and saw no one.

Laura awoke 4:00h in the afternoon and started to clean her bedroom. She went to the kitchen for the keys for the gardening tools store-house. She looked at the keys hanger and did not see the key that Mr. Jacobs put there. She was sure she heard him say that he would place it there. She would have recognized it because it had a red tennis ball key-chain, ( since tennis was her favourite sport ). She searched and searched but no luck. The bikini model headed to the store-house to see if there was any secret way in since those places like hers had that feature. When she looked on the ground near to the planting-land plot, she saw the keys. "What's it doing here?" , she asked herself in a puzzled way. "Oh well", as she reached on the ground to pick up the keys, a human skull was stuck in the earth on the sma e spot where the keys were. Terrified as she was she said "Huh, what's this doing here", she held the skull in her hand for about 2 minutes and studied it, when suddenly it disappeared in thin air. "Where is it?"

She quickly forgot about that because it was getting dark so she started to pack up the store-house. She headed inside. It was about 6:30h and then the lights came off. This was no luck for a young girl to move into a new house on the first day and have a power-failure and some wierd happenings.

Laura found some candles in the cupboard. Soon thte phone rang and she went to pick it up. "Hi" the voice said over the phone. "Good Night LAura." "Oh Good Night Matthew." "Ah i see you recognized my voice well", her fiancee said. "I'll be coming over for dinner tonight and i know the address. "I'll bring your favourite pizza." "Oh so that means I would not have to do the cooking." Laura said in a joking kind of way. "How can I let my darling do that?", the 21 year old boy said. "Well, I do appreciate your company, thanks bye." "Bye, Laura" She put down the phone and went to take a shower.

She put on the shower head and was enjoying her bath in her personal jacuzzi. Soon the water started to run in a brownish colour and then changed to dark red. She realized sge was having a bloodbath and screamed to the top of her lungs. She turned off the shower-head and climbed out of the jacuzzi. She reached for her towel on which was on a towel-hanger and when she looked behind it, there was a headless skeleton who crept up on her. She threw it off of her in the corner and all the bones broke. Her eyes looked worried. She put on her clothes and ran downstairs. She heard the doorbell ringing and heard Mathew's voice calling to open. She opened the door and the tall, muscle-built, good-looking stepped in holding a hot pizza and a bottle of pop soda. "What happened to you?", Matthew could just sense her. She started to explain all the wierd things happening and Matthew tried to comfort her. "The first thing i think you should do is to call Mr. Jaobs tomorrow morning and tell him your story."

She ran upstairs to show Matthew the bones of the skeleton but it disappeared and not a bone was in sight. She got angry and frustrated. No neighbours or no houses were around her. It looked more like a deserted island without any water around. Not a friend nor a companion to talk to.

The couple enjoyed their meal but Laura was still worried. She was thinking to herself that no one might believe her.

"Hello, is this Mr. Jacobs?",she asked over the phone. "Yes this is him speaking." "Well I would like to introduce myself to you as Laura Lopez. "Oh you're the girl that bought my home. Well of course I know you." "Yes I would like to report some strange happenings." "Yes, go on." She related everything to Mr. Jacobs. "I think you should do a religious rite, but you should call your priest to perform it. this house was built on a burial ground which was in action in the late 1800's.", Jacobs told her.

"But I can't tell you anymore because i never lived in the house, i just built it for my late son who passed away in a car accident, that's the reason I was forced to sell it. I really wished i could have helped you further Ms. Lopez; but i can't, I am really sorry."

She had a restless sleep that night. So fed-up with those whispers all the time calling "Laura, Laura, LAURA." She called her priest and he decided he would do the rite.

When the ritual started and the priest began to call on the Lord's name, the ceiling chandelier started to shake and the door opened and slammed itself. Both Laura and the priest could have heard aching ghoulish cries. This stopped and continued. He entered all the rooms in the mansion and finally the store-house was left to perform the Holy rite.

Priest Wellington started to ask Jesus for forgiveness on this child; and at that very moment, the eruption worsened comparing to the past experiences in some rooms. Shovels fell down and a steel fork flew across the room and nearly hit poor Laura. It stuck on the wall. Good timing when she pulled her head away from the 'flying-fork'.

The spiritual rite was finished and everything calmed down. Laura thanked the brethren.

In the night, her room started to shake as if it was the only room in her house having a major earthquake. "Please leave me alone! If you're a ghost or a monster, or whatever you are, JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!!!!!. She threw herself on her knees, clasped her hands and burst into tears asking the 'thing' to forgive her for whatever she did to it.

Raising from off the floor, Laura was thrown in the air, she rebounded on the concrete wall. She injured her head and her whole body was in pain. Oh how she could feel the pain and torture enduring her. She remained in that position, crying to herself, for she had no idea of what she did wrong. She felt as though ten thousand ice cubes fell on her head all at once. In the morning an ambualnce came and she was treated at a nearby hospital.

Laura requested for Mr. Jacobs to refund all her money for payment of property.

She is now married and lives with her husband in a house in Colorado but the 'grudge' still haunts her up to this day.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2011 ⏰

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