Chapter 1: The Binding

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*Nevaeh's POV*

Are there fates? Like the three creepy old ladies who control things?

Cause if there are, they are cruel.

First they take her away, then they're all like "I don't think Nevaeh has suffered enough" so they give her back as a crazed power hungry maniac with a staff.

"This," Heaven said taking out a dagger "will ensure that I am unkillable. Unless we die together, neither of us can die. You will have to sacrifice your own life to stop me, which I know you won't." she grinned wickedly.

She made a long and deep gash across my right arm. I cried out in pain, screaming and thrashing trying to escape.

"You think this is pain?! Trust me sister, I know pain. This, this is nothing!" She slit her own arm quickly and then matched her cut to mine and started chanting in an unintelligible language.

I wiggled and screamed more and tried to break free but she was too strong.
"Heaven... please... HEAVEN PLEASE STOP!" I yelled in agony. The longer she chanted the more my arm burned.

She started speaking in English "bound by blood no blood will be spilt, the sacred bond can't be broken. In each other they live, not one but both have to die to end ones life. Immortal they stand, only die at each other's hand. And forever cursed with tainted blood" she released me and I dropped to the ground shaking violently. Already the wound was closing but I still felt the intense pain.

For some reason I assumed her chant would rhyme.

"So now what?" I questioned standing shakily "You gonna lock me in a cage?" I shouted angrily.

"Yes." she smiled sadistically.

"What happened to you?" I asked sadly.

"That's for me to know and you to wonder!" She laughed.
"Now come along sis we have people to meet, places to go, towns to torture! Oh wait, I have those things to do, you are just going in a cage!" Her eyes sparkled. I could almost see the flames of the world she envisioned, dancing hot destruction in her eyes.

"You are no sister of mine." I growled stepping back.

"I'll deal." she shrugged, grabbing my wrist and yanking me forward with her.

I lifted my foot to kick her but she brought her hand down and blocked it effortlessly.

She slapped something around my wrist and I crumpled. I looked at the metal bracelet cuff around my wrist. "What is this?" I asked weakly.

"Well you see honey baby that little darling is sapping you of your energy." She giggled.

"Why the nicknames?" I asked in annoyance.

"Even though it's only names to you it still feels like payback." She shrugged. "You wouldn't understand. Anyway that beautiful bracelet is part of my plan." She rubbed her hands together.

"Mind telling me what that is?" I asked almost hopefully.

"No," she stated flatly, "I'm not an idiot." She laughed. "But I can explain the bracelet. That thing keeps you weak. Your arm will heal slower if at all and you'll lose a lot of your strength. Plus, you're going to rot in a cage! HAHAHAHA!!" She cackled.

I tried to remove the bracelet but it only tightened.

"Let me go! Please! You loved me once! We were best friends! Heaven please I'm your sister!" I yelled in attempts to make her rethink everything. Maybe I can change her mind, maybe I can get her back. If I just try harder surely she's still in there and-

"Your incessant jabbering is getting on my nerves." She growled. "Do shut up, or I'll make you."

"Your bipolar mood swings are getting on my nerves." I muttered under my breath.

"Sorry not sorry." She said in her sing song voice. She grabbed the staff that was leaning against the wall then lifted it and whacked me over the head.

Everything went black.

The Immortals- Bound By Blood (being Edited)Where stories live. Discover now