Chapter 5

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"I detest our father," murmured a young feminine voice. "He has went through great lengths for our capture. First, he swallowed us, his elder children - save Zeus. Then, he sent his most skilled forces after us, forcing us to leave the comforting arms of Zeus' previous caretakers. And now, he sent out a search party."

None of her siblings spoke. The truth of her words hit home. They longed for their freedom. Their father took that right long before they were born. They were eaten the moment they left Mother Rhea's womb.

The silence was long and tense, only to be broken by Hades. "We, too, resent our father for what he has done, Hera, but there is little we can do about it. Our forces are nothing compared to father's armies. Monsters, the lot of them. Only one army would consist of the most foul of creatures that called the Pit of the Damned their home. Children of torturers, and evil only come from Tartarus." Hades uncrossed his arms and moved away from the shaded corned of their meeting tent. "We are low on supplies, and food is scarce. We are forced to watch our backs in fear of being discovered. We live in the shadows, and hide from nearby villages." Hades went and sat down by his siblings on the hard, grassy ground of the mountain.

"I am well aware, brother. I am well aware," she snapped in annoyance. She never really liked her elder brother. He was too gloomy and dark for her tastes. "Yet we are sitting around like lost dogs waiting for our impending demise."

"Now, now, sister," Hestia said in a reprimanding tone. Eyes narrowed. "What makes you think we are doing nothing? We are at war, sister. War. We are not "sitting-around-like-lost-dogs" we are fighting, planning our attacks carefully. Mother Rhea warned us to be careful. We are not going to run around with swords and bows yelling out for our father to get off his high horse. Nether are we going to let his tyrannical reign continue." Hera was silent as her sister spoke. Hestia, seeing her sister glare at the ground, sighed. "We mustn't loose hope, sister. They may have powerful forces, but we have our spies. Not only in their armies, but in the Titan Court itself. We are well informed of their actions. We are updated on every vote cast, every breath taken, and every opportunity that we are given." Hestia moved from across Hera in the circle their siblings sat in. She settled next to Hera, resting her arm around her shoulders. "Not only that, but we also have each other." Hestia looked around at her siblings. "We are strong together. We always have been, and we always will be."

Hera smiled at her sister and returned the embrace. "Thank you sister, I believe we all needed to hear those wise words of yours."

Poseidon, always one to make a fool of himself somehow, spoke with the upmost respect. "Hestia, the wisest of us all. Your words sooth our anxious souls, and fills us with much hope. Whatever would we do without our dear, wise, sister? The eldest, and the wisest."

Hestia and her other siblings chuckled at his antics. Hestia nodded at her brother, then at the rest of her siblings. "Then remember them. Whenever you find yourself in a tough situation, your siblings will be there for you. We will be there for each other. We stick together."

Demeter, always the one to crack a joke, added her two cents. "Like a wet tongue on ice."

The siblings chuckled at the analogy and nodded in agreement. They would stick together till the end of time.


(The morning after the last chapter)

Opening his eyes, Chaos was met with a sight to remember. A lovely bright blue sky with cotton like clouds slowly floating past, and the occasional flock of birds soaring through the air. The view was absolutely beautiful compared to the dark loneliness of the Void. It saddened the Creator how he wasn't gifted the chance to wake up to this every passing day.

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