B: Red Hair: Mark

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Your eyes fell upon a young male with the red dyed hair. Red was one of the most common color to dye one’s hair, but not for royalty... Unfortunately you couldn’t see his full face, stupid masquerade, but at least you could see his smile that warmed your heart.

He was wearing a black suit and the top half of a squirrel mask.

He was talking with male who’s hair was dyed green, scanning the room together. The male with the green hair had on a blue suit and the top half of a badger mask.

An additional male joined them moments later, carrying 3 glasses one for each of them. He wore a black suit and a white mask that covered left side, leaving the right side and mouth exposed.

The other two men stood there laughing together while the third one just stood there smiling awkwardly into his glass. After a while to pointed over his shoulder telling the others he was leaving, then disappeared.

“What do you think?” a familiar voice startled you.

You turned your head to see a familiar figure known as your father.

You stayed silent, and just smiled softly at the scene before, listening to the music that danced gracefully throughout the ballroom.

 He pointed at the two men with the badger and squirrel mask. “Prince Jack and Prince Mark. There should be one more..” his voice trailed off as he disappeared.
Sir Mark…

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