Classes: Sniper

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It is rumored that if you choose Sniper at level 15 you can use special tools to best your enemies. Traps, from trappers. And the king of drones is the Necromancer.

The Sniper tree grants you the ablility to see further away, and you also deal extra damage, but reload is slowed.

The Sniper tree grants you the ablility to see further away, and you also deal extra damage, but reload is slowed

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The Trapper and it's upgrades shoot traps, which quickly slow to a stop once fired. These traps deal massive damage if touched.

Assassin and it's upgrade feature an increased FoV.

Overseer and it's upgrades control drones. Using your mouse you can issue orders to your drones, allowing you to attack from any direction.

Hunter and it's two upgrades shoot more bullets than the conventional sniper.

Notable Classes:

Stalker: Has the ability to go invisible when not moving. Shooting also takes away your invisibility. 

Manager: Merges the Overseer's drone-controllers with Stalker invisibility.

Necromancer: A square body allows the Necromancer to control massive amounts of squares by ramming them. (Up to 34 of them, depending on reload upgrades.)

Predator: The Predator gains the ability to zoom into an area, to see extra far. Zooming compromises the view behind you though. The Predator also shoots an extra bullet.

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⏰ Última actualización: Aug 15, 2016 ⏰

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