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It was an anger that boiled within Hanji's gut, that surged from her core and shot through her veins. Shaking, shivering an un-channelized fury. Bodies of her fellow comrades filled morbidly the field around her. Her eyes locked in the fallen body of a titan. Surviving soldiers around her were cleaning up, gathering who were left to retreat to the walls.

"I hate you. I hate all you..." she seethed through clenched teeth. Fist tightly squeezed into her palms. "Sons of bitches!!!" She barked, swinging a kick to the disembodied head of a titan just ahead of her. Her body prepared for the brick hard weight to strike her with the pain—but no, it was like a hitting a light can, the head rolled like a kickball across the grass.

And just like that, the steam of her rage dissipated, rising reincarnated, in the form of—curiosity.

"The head is... lightweight?" She whispered, confused and startled.

Footsteps jogging towards her, crunching grass came towards her direction.

"Hanji, are you alright?"

"Erwin!! I mean—commander! The! The titan's head! I kicked it! And it barely weighed anything at all??!!" Her eyes were wide panicked, but astounded. Frightened yet amazed.

The commander placed a hand to his chin, "Is that so...?"

"We've being doing this wrong...." Hanji stared off at the titan and whirled around toward him, "We haven't be trying understand our enemy!"

".... do you want to look into this?" Erwin asked.


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