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(A/N: Hello there everyone! Another story of mine coming your way.

Just to be clear, I based the main male character on Toshizo Hijikata of Hakuouki. I took the liberty of changing his name and some aspects of his personality.

I write for fun and stress relief, so my apologies for any shortcomings this story might have.

This prologue is dedicated to my Wattpad sisters, fellow Hakuouki fangirls and August babies @Pardesi_chick and @Carillo1992. Thank you for your unflinching support and friendship.

Anyway, enjoy minna! Happy reading!

His Fantasy

People were born with different destinies in life. Some have it easy, others struggle daily...

I happen to belong to the first group. The people who took care of and raised me said the gods were smiling on the day I came into being. I was born into nobility, with my whole life planned ahead for me...

Somewhere along the way, I came to resent all of this farce. I wanted to create my own destiny instead of letting others run my life for me.

I live in a fantasy where everything goes as it should be. A time came, however, when I was jolted to reality...

What happens when fantasy meets reality? When what seems to be is replaced by what actually is?

Fate unexpectedly brought into my life someone... Someone who showed me how little I knew of the world. She opened my eyes further to what's beyond the sheltered life I've been living.

Admiration turned to affection as I came to see her for what she is, a strong, dependable, and kind-hearted woman. In her, I saw strength and vulnerability combined perfectly.

Will I finally be able to face this world's harsh realities? Will she have the courage to dream and embrace fruitful fantasies?

Her Reality

It's tough world out there. Often, there's no other choice but fight to survive. Sink or swim, rise or fall... What the future will be is up to me.

Life has always been a struggle since I began to become aware of what's taking place around me. Trust me, it's definitely no fantasy.

Dreams? Aspirations? Fleeting fancies? Sure, I have them. I desire to become so much more... I wish to see beyond what I can gaze at now...

For the time being, however, it doesn't matter that much. What is at present, for me, is more important than what will be.

Until someone came into my life... Because of him, I learned how to try to dream and take life a bit more lightly. He showed me that as long as one dreams, life is certainly worth living.

He lives in a flawless world of fantasy. I reside in the harsh world of reality. Will the two ever mesh together harmoniously?

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