Story of Sage

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When Sage was a little girl, she used to play with dolls, but they never meant to be Vampires, they were meant to be human. One was Janie-Winkle...the other was Fooble-Mary. She was a strange child, but Sage loved those dolls; she carried them everywhere. One day her brother came storming into her room, furious.

“Don’t you know what you are?” He yelled at her. Sage got scared and hugged her dolls, almost as if protecting them.

“We kill! Sage don’t you get it!” Vincent stomped out his fists tight, leaving her with tears willing to spill out.

Oh, what a cruel fate Sage had earned. All for being a Vampire.

They stormed her home, her safe haven. Sage remembered that the humans wore thick, thick black armor with helmets, sliver daggers and exploding bullets. It was a strong, but painful memory. Sage had been playing with her dolls, like always, but then there was a thump at the door. Sage didn’t notice there was any trouble, just guessing it was her brother in one of his moods. But it wasn’t. There was shouting, so she went down stairs, her mother and father held back the black coated men. They kept pouring in, surrounding the whole house from the outside in. The nine year old girl shrieked with horror. A bulky and harsh looking human started toward her, stampeding even. Sage froze up for only a moment, for the next she was on the other side of the room, using her recent developing of speed and agility. The man’s face squeezed with anger and seized his dagger, throwing it at the small child Vampire. Once again, Sage froze, like a rabbit caught by it’s pray. The dagger never hit it’s mark. Nathan, Sage and Vincent’s father, had caught the knife in midair by it’s handle, just before it had killed his daughter. He growled as a savage animal would have.

“You come into my house, you attack my family, and you almost kill my daughter. This will end now.” Her father said in the most menacing voice he could conger up. Nathan ran behind the man before he could even blink and lunged on the man’s back. His fangs extend and chomped down on the man’s neck. Nathan ripped the armor, but didn’t draw blood. Taking another tactic, he took both sides of the man’s head, who was now thrashing, and jerked to one side, hearing a loud CRACK! The armored man fell limp, dead. Nathan jumped into the air, as if he didn’t just kill in raw anger. A whooshing sound was so indistinct that only an elder Vamp could hear it. Nathan whipped around, just as another man tried to tackle him to the ground.

“George,” Nathan growled. “Traitor! You come here, after all the years we’ve been friends?” “Sorry, Nat,” Gorge said not sounding sorry at all. “Us humans have to stick together.” Both men, human or not, circled each other, like ravenous wild wolves, waiting for the other to lung, to make a move. They were waiting for the first kill...

Gorge side-stepped, faking. Nathan say the move and countered. The fight had begun hitting and dodging; both were a master in their art. Sage watched the whole scene go down, from where she was planted on the couch.



Sage was watching with tears in her eyes. Why did they need to fight? She thought.

The battle went one around her and she had no idea what do do. Leave or help her parents? Sage glanced at her brother. Vincent was more advanced and developed with his Vampire powers, he can hold these humans off. Sage couldn’t, she was younger. Her father’s attention wavered for the slightest second and that’s when George had made his move. He took out a knife and quickly plunged it into Nathan’s heart. There was a scream and it came from Sage’s mother, Odette, stopped fighting and crumpled on the floor, sobbing. The battle at stopped completely, the humans taking Vincent and Odette away. Sage was crying also, in sorrow of her dead father and the capture of her family. A man gruffly picked her up and carried her, kicking and screaming. As walked out of Sage’s house, she noticed that it was sunset and the red colors made the yellow sun look so beautiful nice, Sage thought before she blacked out.

(c) Indigosparro

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