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I'm the kind of girl that doesn't have many friends. I play softball and I'm very good at it and make friends on the team. At school it's kind of hard. I used to always get bullied. People would talk bout me being fat. I had a very tough elementary school experience. I quit riding the bus because I would get bullied so bad. I am Sierra.

Shelby is the other way around. She may have trouble making friends and being tomboy like me but we have our differences. She likes to ride dirt bikes and she can ride them very good. She is very nice but she dies have a bad side. She will always make you laugh no matter what. If you get down on yourself, she would be the person to go to. She is very quiet. And she has a very soft voice.

Keep reading to find out more about our story of how we met. Also on how I met her friends and we became a group of friends.

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