chapter 1. First Day Of Middle School

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We just turned in the school driveway when my dad looks at me.

"You'll be ok just don't be nervous and go make you some new friends" my dad says.

"I know I will I just don't want to get bullied like I did last year"

"You won't, I promise"

We were pulling up at the front door. I open the car door and was about to get out but I turned around and gave my dad a kiss on the cheek.

"Bye love you daddy."

"Love you too."

I walked in the door and the assistant principal was standing at the door to greet us. I walked past him and I walked down the sixth grade hall. Wow there were a lot of kids there. I walked into my homeroom period and picked out a seat.

I sat there staring at my desk because I didn't know anyone but one person and he was in my class the year before. I was very nervous about how my first day middle school was going to be.

While I was dazed in my thought I looked up and saw a girl walking toward me. She sat down beside me and introduced herself.

"Hey, I'm Shelby."

"I'm Sierra."

We carried on a long conversation. We were talking about our favorite sports and just telling each other about ourselves. We got along very well.


The bell had rang and we were starting 1st period. Mr. Ward was our first period teacher and he was very funny. He let us introduce ourselves to the other classmates. We did that for the whole period.

The bell rang for second period. This time me and Shelby sat beside each other. We knew we were going to be best friends. We were talking about random stuff.

Well the day went by fast and we just talked all day and hangout with each other. We had fun for our first day.


I really hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter. I will update every now and then because i have a very busy life and I have other stuff to do but I will try to update when I can.

Thoughts on Sierra?

Thoughts on Shelby?

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