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Will and I met in a friend's birthday party. At the club Philip's bestfriend rented out for his birthday. He was drunk and I was sober. I did not know a thing that was happening until he approached me. He was holding a bottle of wine in one hand and me in the other.

"You. Come here." I could still remember his smile and drunken face. His husky voice that still lingers.

"Me?" Nobody in this party knew me. I was taken as a plus one by my cousin, Philip. He went and strutted away the moment he spotted his friends, leaving me stranded all alone with no acquaintance.

"You're so pretty." He whispered touching each strand of my deep-black hair. "Your hair is as smooth as silk."

I was still paralysed at that moment. Should I have freaked out? A random drunk guy had approached me and he was touching my hair. Maybe I was but at the same time, my heart was beating loud from the tingling butterflies in my stomach that I yearned to stop.

I stood still because I did not know how to act around a drunk man or a boy in general. I locked my lips and said nothing. He continued to blabber out sweet nothings while I continued to stand without a word. My heels were starting to hurt from standing for quite some time. Is this what it feels like to be hit on?

Maybe it wasn't as romantic as I imagined it to be. Me meeting my prince charming at school, Him saving me from tripping at my own feet and bringing my books to each classes. Us eating lunch together. But the feeling that I held on now so preciously was good enough for me. I was satisfied with it. At least this night would not have been wasted and left with the memory of me accompanying Philip but with the night that I met a perfect stranger.

"I want your number." Maybe at that moment I should have said no. I should have played a little hard to get and let him earn it. But I did not want to lose the chance. Call me a sick-o-loser for all you want but honestly, it was the first time I was hit by a guy and I wasn't going to risk the chance.

He handed me his phone as I slowly typed my number onto the screen. His face was now latched into my neck, making it very hard to type for me.

"I'm Will." He whispered into my ear.

"Krista." I said at the same time as pressed add contact to his phone.

I looked at the clock, noticing it was 11:49. I had to go home before curfew and that was around midnight. My parents will surely ground me if I arrive later than that. "I've got to go now. See you Will."

"Goodbye Krista." He shouted across the room. Heads began to turn our ways as I looked down in embarrassment. Attention was never my thing so hopefully nobody saw or recognise me. But what was I thinking, of course everybody saw that.

His holler could not have been louder. Even Philips spotted me right away. It was not only my cousin that focused his attention on me but the whole party. But I was not able to scold Will because a drunk boy would not listen to whatever you tell them. I'll be the crazy one trying to talk and have a serious conversation with him.

My knees wobbled from the intensity of crowd looking at me. Of course my heels made it harder for me to stay inbalance and before I knew it, my feet slips slightly on the ice cube below me. I waited for the ground to come in-touch with my body but it never did. Will scooped me up before I was able to hit the ground.

"I'm the drunk one remember." He smirks embarrassing me for the second time. As if the first time was not enough.

I gave a short laugh and tried to ignore all the people staring. They should mind their own business for all I know. It was hard enough to deal with Will and now, the attention on me. My cheeks were burning.

"Wait I forgot to tell you one more thing. Your earrings are really shiny and pretty. Like you" He shouted, then giggled. Only this time nobody would have heard it because the music was blaring loud.

Everyone was on the dance floor. "Come on, let's dance" He grabbed me by the waist, leading me to the dance floor.

"I can't. I have to be home by 12." I shouted.

"What? I can't hear you over this loud music." I gave the clock another look, it was already 12:07. I'll be grounded anyways if I decide to leave now. At least now I could be grounded for something.

"Fine." We walked along the dance floor, raving through the DJ's music.

"Take off your heels." He shouted in a hoarse voice. Alcohol was all over his breath now.

"What? I'll lose it." I was wearing one of my Yves Saint Laurent's and losing it would meaning saving up 6 months of allowance all over again.

"What? You can't bear to lose one of my precious little heels."Drunk guys are actually quite mean and rude. "I would keep it on too at that height."

"No and besides I'm not going dancing barefoot." My heels are not going anywhere. Literally.

"Oh right. Wait here Krista. I'm getting more rum." Does this guy ever stop drinking?

"What do you mean more? I think you've had more than enough. You're drunk already."

"This is only the beginning baby..." He winked, walking away.

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