Chapter 8

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y/n P.O.V

I woke up to the sun beating on my face,i felt arms against my sides. as i woke up more i realized it was grey and natsu! natsu was leaning against my side , same with grey ,natsu was holding one hand grey the other.I couldn't help but blush and hit them.

As i tried to move natsu tighten his grip "don't...leave"he said as i stopped and did as told.A couple min later i moved again trying to escape their quite strong gripe,"i don't wanna gooo mommy!!"grey said as i laughed so hard i woke them up as i was thrown onto the floor......'fuckers' I thought as i lied there.

"Y/N ITS OK WERE HERE TO PROTECT YOU!!!" They yelled thinking something bad happened. "down here dumbass" i said calmly as they helped me up,i dusted my self off....


"OWWWW" they yelled as i slapped'em.

"DUMBASSES WHY'D YOU THROW ME ON THE FLOOR?!?!?!"i yelled as they rubbed their arms. "WE THOUGHT YOU WERE IN TROUBLE!!" they yelled in union.I faced palmed."YOU DUMBASSES I CAN HANDLE MY SELF!!"i yelled as i realized....' my hat!'i thought as i pated my head. i sighed in relief my hat was still there..."whats wrong??" they asked."nothing im fine lets just check on erza"i said changing the topic as i went off to find erza.

Time skip cuz I'm lazy ^_^

"Oh hey y/n! We'll be arriving in about 20 minutes"erza said to me as I walked in the kitchen area(sorry I don't know much about trains😂)
"O oh OK? So what are you doing up so early?"I questioned and i grabbed a carrot to snack on."just was hungry"she said taking a bite out of some strawberry cake."cake for breakfast?"I asked as I crunched on my carrot not realizing how loud it was.

"WELL DUH!"she yelled startlingly me.
I dropped my carrot."damn it!" I said as I bent over to pick it up......

"Y-y/n????"erza said quite shocked "what?"I asked in confusion.i looked down only to see my f/c Bennie on the floor now knowing why she was so shocked.

"Y/ have.....ears?!?!?!?!?"

byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee thats all i got for now sorry enjoy!!😘😃^_^

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