The choice and the stairs

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In the darkness of night, Gage made his way to his friend's house, who was almost like a sister to him. The word's from the captain last night still echoed in his head, should I?

He shook his head, this was his home, he'd sworn that he would stay here. Turning down a dimly lit alley way he paused form his thoughts as he stared at the burly man down the way, leaning against the wall. Just....ignore him, he thought as he kept his head high and walked down the way, passing the man. "oi, you" he hesitated as he heard footsteps approaching from behind, "you know where you are?"

"as a matter a fact, I do" he said as he cocked his head to the side and glanced behind him, "i grew up on this island"

The man laughs, "then you should know who this side of town belongs to"

"Let me guess" he rolled his eyes, "its you isn't it?" 


This is all too predictable, I get offered to join a pirate crew and was thinking about joining, and now, i'm running for my goddamn life. Blood trickled from his nose and he held his ribs, trying not to trip on the sidewalk. Need to get away from that place

As he stumbled along he heard people calling his name, but that just urged him on-wards, he wouldn't stop, for fear that the man would shoot him in his head. As he saw the house he was looking for he sighed in relief before coughing, slowing to a halt he looked behind him and around, making sure the guy hadn't followed him before proceeding up the steps and into the house.

'Uncle Gage is home" he heard his 'niece' yell and smiled before walking in to the living room as heard voices. He stopped dead in his tracks, his vision swimming as he looked at the pirates in the living room. "why....?"

"Oh my gosh" he looked over to his 'sister' to see her brown, baby doll eyes, widen in shock and concern. "what happened?" She runs into the kitchen and comes back with a wet cloth, dabbing at his head.

"I uh...ran into a...door?"

"oh really?' he turned to look at the docor/captain of the heart pirates in annoyance, "fine no..I fell down the stairs at work"

"vicious stairs" He commented again as Gage hissed, "yes, they where, evidently they don't like me stepping on their faces"

"Uncle Gage" he looks over as his niece crawls down from Bepo where she had latched herself onto, and sat on his lap. "will you tell me the story of how this happened?" she poked his chest before jerking back in surprise as he groaned and shifted, "yea sure" he said through gritted teeth.

He clears his throat as the pain subsides and his niece pulls Bepo over and sits down in his lap instead. "so..I'm walking down the stairs...and its a long flight of stairs.."

"I heard a voice call my name...'Gage, ...Gage' I looked around, very confused, 'um..hello?'

'Gage its me...the stairs'

Now iI was really confused as I looked down at the stairs, ' can talk?'

"yes Gage for this important reason..'

'oh...well then.what is it'

'you guys keep stepping on our faces'

'oh well..sorry but we have to get down the stairs'

'I don't care! Do not step on our faces!"

Gage's niece giggled as Law, Shachi, and Penguin , frowned, "but, stairs can't talk" Shachi says slowly and Gage shushs him. "shhh shhh shhh, i'm telling the story"

"so where was I? ah yes, so I started to get angry with the stairs cause they yelled at me. 'well you know what stairs' i had snapped at them, 'cry me a river, build me a bridge, and get over it!' Then i had stomped down the stairs, "ow ow ow ow ow, do not step on our faces!! Or we will trip you!'

'ha! yea right' I had said and kept right on stomping, and then a floor board came up and hit me in the nose, tripped me and I fell right down the stairs" he said matter of factually as the little girl clapped and laughed, "that was funny, did you get the stairs back?"

"I tried but I had to come home" He said with a sigh, "curse you stairs" he said shaking his fist at the ceiling as the little girl laughed.

A/N- Don't mind me, just trying to give Gage some time to think is all.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2013 ⏰

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