Lost and Found (a Trafalgar Law fanfic..mostly

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Covered from head to toe in grease, oil, and sweat, Gage moved out from inside the mechanic room that ran the small isand he lived on. For such a small island it took a lot of work, most towns didn't have something like this but...this was the grand line. Sighing as his brown hair fell into his eyes again he brushed it out of the way quickly as he walked away from the room and into a hallway. A few turns and he was inside of another room with a large fire in the middle.

"figures" he said bitterly, "those old men leaving the youngest of the workers, a 19..." trailing off as he realized something. "20 now" he muttered softly. "my birthdays today" His sixteenth birthday without his mother and father, first without his brother. Was it only a month ago? He went to some logs to the other side of the room to help keep the fire going. Its a shame....his brthday is next month too, he was about to turn 24. He shook his head to clear his thoughts, realizing he'd been standing there for a good while.

Work now, mourning later, throwing a log into the fire he glanced down to the braclet around his wrist, such a significance, if i'd told myself that'd i care about a braclet so much...


"Don't die" Gage begged his brother, who lay on the gorund before him, his life slwoly bleeding out. "don't leave me alone"

Steve, his brother, took off a bloody braclet and pushed it into his palm, "keep this ok? it was from dad" his voice shook as he gave his brother a weak smile. "hey" he put his hand on his arm. "you'll get by without me" tears starting to flow down his face he coughed up a spat of blood. Eyes widening in shock Gage hurried to put the braclet on and moved to help him.

"Steve" he stopped as his brother looked at him, "hey, Gage, I know i never tell you little bro....I just want you to know" he coughed again, "i'm proud of you...and i love you" Gage stiffled a small cry of anguish and let the tears fall down his face. "steve don't say things like that, you won't leave me" he said in hope he would confirm them.

A smile still on his lips he closed his eyes when Gage looked away, "someone help!" he cried, "please" glancing back to his brother he stopped. "a-aniki?....." he shook him softly. "Steve?" Shock ran through him, "no, no, no" he shook his head. "Steve!" he cried and pushed a fist into his mouth to muffle a scream of anger and pain. "don't leave me!" he sobbed. 

(flashback over)

Pain fresh in his mind he closed his eyes as tears stung them, don't think about it. Feeling a small tug on his wrist he looked down as he threw another log into the fire, a small snap and the bracket was gone. Panic surged through him, his last piece of his family and it was gone..into a fire. Without thinking he stuck his hand in and resisted a urge to scream in pain before grabbing the braclet and pulling it out. Now jerking back he landed on his ass and stared at the fire, and then to his now burnt hand. "damn" he muttered.

Baka, what was that for? His brother voice ran through his head, well...look at it this way, the braclet looks cooler that way...and you have a battle scar from work right?

"Right" he said softly as he pulled the braclet on, trying to ignore the pain in his hand. "you'd say something like that" his eyes welled up again brefily before he pushed them back. Just then the bell rang for the end of work and he pushed himself up off his good hand and set out. "bar first, town healer later" he muttered.

******some time later******

Just my luck....pirates, he thought bitterly as he waltzed over and sat down next to a tall guy with a spotted hat and sat down. He shifted slightly as the man's eyes travelled to him momentarily, looking up to meet his he found the stormy grey eyes to be quite...captivating. Tearing his gaze away from his he looks down to the drink the bartender put in front of him. Picking it up wiht his good hand he takes a long swing from it before setting it down.

He tried his best to ignore the men, it was getting increasingly hard...and no the polar bear in a jumpsuit wasn't helping either. "captain?" It speaks too?!?

"Yes Bepo" And that guy is the captain? Pirates are getting weirder and weirder. Looking back to his drink he stops as he was about to bring it to his face when he saw someone slide into the seat next to him. "nasty burn there" he said and glanced to his injured hand. "looks like you stuck your hand in a fire"

A small smirk worked his way onto his lips, "I actually did, not to long ago either"

"you being serious?" he looked at him from over his sunglasses, amber eyes meeting the strangers hazel ones. "why would I joke about something like this?"

"that was a stupid move" Gage jumped and looked to another guy that appeeared behind the man. "oh hey penguin, when'd you get here?"

His eyes travelled between the two men as they talked to each other animatedly. "you should be more careful" the newest voice sent a small amount of shivers down his spine as he looked over at the captain. 

"and why would I listen to a pirate?" Gage asked as his eyes looked the guy up and down, spotted pants, yellow and black hoodie with what he assumed to be was his jolly roger on it, spotted hat which covered black hair, a nochadachi at his side. And all topped off with the sexiest smirk he'd ever seen a man wear. The captain seened to ignore the question, "Shachi, penguin" he said in a warning tone, never taking his eyes off of him. 

The to men behind him had ended up bickering between each other and stopped almost immediatly. "so why'd you do it?' he asked as he referred to his hand.

"oh uh...well to get this" he pointed to his braclet, "it means a lot to me"

"so what's the story then?"

"the story...?" he gave him a confused look as the man crossed his legs.

"someone wouldn't want ot stick their hand in a fire if there wasn't a story"

Lost and Found (a Trafalgar Law fanfic..mostlyWhere stories live. Discover now