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By lunch I was a nervous wreck. Well, more of a nervous wreck than usual. After 4th period ended I rushed to the baseball diamond. I hadn't been this anxious since my father's funeral three years ago. Honestly after his funeral I just stopped talking to people. I hadn't had a good conversation with someone my age since then.I got to the field and was disappointed to see that the only person there was a five year old girl. "Ummmm, I was supposed to meet someone here he is about 5 '8 and has bright green eyes, have you seen him?" I asked feeling slightly stupid. "Oh you mean me," she said. I looked at her confused she just smiled and started change. Her hair started to grow shorter and fade till it was shaggy and strawberry blond. She grew about 3 feet and her dull brown eyes turn a luminescent shade of green. I stood their stuned there in front of me was the guy who I seen from my window yesterday. He cockly smiled and held his hand out. "My name is Theodore in case you wanted to know But you can call me Theo," he said clearly enjoy this. "How...What....Wh......" I said at a loss for words."Let me explain, " he said putting on a serious face, A couple thousand years ago earth wasn't just inhabited by humans, but by elementists to." " What are elementists?" I interrupted. " They are like humans but more highly evolved ,"he explained, "We posses special powers and have a higher levels of intelligence." " Wow, wow, slow down, I said, "What do you mean we." "Basil,"he said," You are a elementist so was your father he never got cancer, he died when the government implanted a bug in him. " Don't you dare tell me lies about my father,"I said through clenched teeth. "I am not lying, "Theo said."He was a elementist and so are you if you don't believe me think about how you were able to know what I was saying when I signed to you last night?"Plus I have been speaking to you in fluent Finnish the whole time which I know for a fact you don't know." I sat there dumbfounded, Now that I thought about it, I had never heard my Spanish teacher speak a word of Spanish, Was He telling the truth? "Fine, I said, "But I need a little more proof." "Good, he smiled," Then I guess you won't mind meeting the others tonight at dinner I'll pick you up at eight right here." I stood there for a second wondering if I should go but I figured that I had nothing else to do night and it couldn't hurt. " Okay," I muttered. Suddenly I found myself engulfed in a hug, I felt butterflies crawl up into my stomach, He smelled like licorice. He let go " See you tonight," he said walking away. I looked at him as he walked off. "Basil, I told myself you will not fall for him he seems to be bat crap crazy and cocky." But that didn't stop me from smiling on walk back to the cafeteria. It was the first time I had smiled in a long time.

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