Chapter Two

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"It's been forever! How was america?" Haruhi asked me. 

"It was pretty good, but our house got swarmed a lot by fans." {Y/N} Said, rubbing her neck. Haruhi hugged {Y/N}, to her surprise. {Y/N} Quickly hugged back, not used to the feeling.

"You know this chick?" One of the twins said, raising an eyebrow. {Y/N} Scowled. "She was my best friend in elementary school, but then she got a movie contract in america so she had to leave." Haruhi said, her voice saddening at the last part.

"Hey Haru-Chan! Is this your friend?" The little boy asked. "Yeah, this is my friend {Y/N}, she's a little bit-"

"Why is a little boy here? Shouldn't he be playing on the playgrounds instead of in here flirting with girls?" {Y/N} Asked. The room went quiet. The boy looked up at you with teary eyes. "Actually, Honey is a third year student here." Mr. Fancy Glasses informed. {Y/N} was pretty sure her mouth had dropped to the ground. 

"HOW?!?!?" She exclaimed. Soon, two taller boys came into the conversation. One of them with dark hair just grunted once in a while. The blonde one...

"Who is this lovely angel, who has stumbled into our care? Don't worry my princess, I will take care of you!" The blonde rambled. {Y/N} had enough.

"Just what the hell have I stumbled into?!" She said, frustrated. 

"Why my dear, this is the host club!"


Ender: Sorry it's so short! Really tired lately, hard to focus.

Tamaki: Awwh it's okay! *Goes into hug Ender*

Ender: No touchy *backs away*

Tamaki: Awwh~

Ender: Well that's all for now, bai!

The girl and her hosts (OHSHC x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now