Babe, stay. Stay.

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It was a beautiful day. A beautiful Saturday. Everything about it seemed too bright. But what you were feeling was the exact opposite.

You were in your room, your curtains opened with the sunlight being the only thing that lights it. Your bed was made, clutter put away because you had to keep yourself busy earlier to keep your mind off of things and your door left open. Everything was still, matching the music playing from your phone on your night stand, an instrumental the boys worked on they called 'Robbers'. You weren't a morning person but this morning was so calm, you thought it was beautiful.

Thoughts repeated themselves in your head. How you would do for the next months. How everyday was about to change for you. You couldn't describe how you felt. You were torn between being happy and sad. You just took in the moment, this moment.

You we're standing in front of Matty, your boyfriend of two wonderful years, who was sitting on your desk with his feet touching the ground because he's tall enough, unlike you when you tried. You were looking in each other's eyes. You spoke no words but somehow, this moment was filled with emotions. None of you wanted to say goodbye for he was about to leave for his tour, a tour he and his bandmates were dreaming of since freshman year in high school. You were happy for him, happy for Adam, Ross and George, your four best friends in the whole world.

You reflected on the years the five of you had together, in school where almost all of the girls envied you and your closeness to the bad boys in the campus both literally and metaphorically, in Adam's garage where they rehearsed almost everyday and in the woods where you all would go to hang out after school, you'd race each other to reach your spot which was an opening that had a perfect view of each sunset and you'd sit on that big rock that no one knew how it got there.

But mostly, you remembered the times you and Matty shared beautiful moments that lead to your relationship now. None of you ever thought that you and Matty would end up together. If anything, you'd end up killing each other. He was the bully of your little squad, him and George, but mostly him.

George and Ross would hold their stomachs laughing at the two of you while Adam would always be the one to pull you off of Matty every time you lunged at him with punches, slaps and hits.

Little did you know, he did this because he found you cute when you're mad. He never realized he was falling harder each time the two of you had an interaction, whether it was a high five when he succeeded making George fall on his butt by pulling away his chair or just a simple 'see you later' nod. He always loved to hear your laugh, it was so beautiful to him. That's why he always tried to make you. Of course, it didn't take much effort, you always had fun with the boys and laughed at their jokes.

Everything changed when you kissed that night when you helped him close up the garage after a rehearsal while the others went ahead inside the house for food that Adam's mother had cooked for you. You two were alone and he couldn't take another minute of wondering how it felt to kiss you.

You were beyond shocked. He confessed his feelings right after which led to this moment you despised and admired so much.

Your forehead rested against his as he pulled you closer by the waist. You were settled between his black skinny jeans clad legs that ended with a pair of black and white vans. You ran your hands up his chest, only his thin black sleeveless shirt between your skins. Slowly, your fingers raked through his hair and you rested your elbows on his shoulders. He was clutching the sides of your shirt, holding you close to him. He stared into your eyes long enough to put you in a trance.

You loved the sight in front of you so you said to him "Babe," he shot an eyebrow up as you continued "you look so cool." you smirked as his expression softened.

"That might be a good line for a song, love. " he grinned and the silence came back. You smiled at the thought that he might come up with a song from this moment. Finally, he sighed "God, I love you. " and shook his head. Your hands fell to the back of his neck with your arms still situated on his shoulders. And before you could even breathe a reply, he caught your lips with his. You kissed passionately and slowly, not wanting to ruin the moment. This was the kind of kiss you only saw in movies. The slow, passionate kind. There was no sex or hands going places they shouldn't be, he just kissed you because he wanted you.

As soon as the kiss ended, you tried to catch your breath and your eyes fluttered open to see him already staring. Something told you he thought you were beautiful. Looking down, he said "I'm gonna miss you. " and you immediately dreaded the words. But you knew you, of all people, wouldn't be the one stopping him from chasing his dream, your dream.. for him, for them. You were happy that this was happening for them. Their first world tour, you felt lucky being a big part of these boys' lives before fame. You got to witness how hard they worked for their dream and a little sacrifice was the least you could contribute for them to be able to start living it.

Besides, you were going to college, you'd be busy like they'll be on tour, you thought. So, you took a deep breath and nodded in response to Matty. "Yeah, me too. "

You spent the rest of the day tangled up with each other, laughing at jokes together and making plans to call, text or video call each other as much as possible. You wanted this moment to last, his arms draped around you as you lied in your bed. You loved him. You were happy for him, excited even. This was nothing, you told yourself. He'll be back.


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