Chapter 1

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I took off my high heels and sighted in relief. Alice and Sarah looked at me with disbelief.

"Look, you know I am not made for these." I pouted and folded my arms.

"Will you seriously walk all the way back home barefoot?" asked Alice and frowned.

"Well, you could always give me a piggy bag ride..." I smiled.

"Nope!"She said, turned around and started walking.

"Oh come on! Won't you help a friend? It is only five blocks to your place." I pleaded but she didn't even turn around to look at me. She just waved and kept on walking. Sarah, who was still standing in front of me, shrugged and started walking away too, leaving me behind.

For a moment I just stared at them going down the hill. I really didn't want to walk barefoot but as it seems this is my punishment for wanting to be woman-like for once. I sighted.

"Hey! Wait for me, I am coming!" I shouted and started running to catch up with them.

When we finally got inside the elevator of her apartment building my feet hurt so much that every step made me huff . Alice looked at me with a smirk.

"Don't you dare say it!" I warned but she burst out laughing. Then she came closer to me and whispered "I told you so~" which obviously gave me no other choice but to stomp her foot hard.

"Aw!" She hissed and kicked me playfully. Before we got to start fighting the elevator opened to the fourth floor. Alice quickly unlocked the door to her house and got in without waiting for us. Before I even started getting my bag off, Alice started ordering us.

"I will go grab you two some pajamas. Sarah don't you dare eat the cookies on the counter, I warn you! I know you are eyeing them! And you, Max, get inside the shower now and clean your fucking feet! You have discovered a new color of disgusting!"

And that's what I did. After cleaning my feet I took off my makeup and went to bed. To be more precise I went to the floor since the two available beds were taken. Sarah and Alice were sitting in silence and texting. I looked at the clock on the wall. It was near 3 o'clock. Just looking at it made my eyes close from the exhaustion.

"Can someone turn off the lights? I want to sleep..."

"No way we are sleeping so early! The party will continue! Right Sarah?" Alice said and sit up.

"Yeah!" They said simultaneously and high-fived each other.

"Oh, no-no! There is no way I will not sleep in the next 10 minutes. Go party on your own, and preferably to the living room."

They both grinned and stared at me. Alice quickly walked to her computer and turned it on. Upon seeing her select a partying music list on spotify, I groaned in frustration and stood up. When Sarah saw me gathering my pillows she run to the door, locked it and tucked the key inside her huge titties.

"Come and get it if you dare Max!"She said and laughed hard.

"Even if I did they are probably lost by now! This isn't a cleavage, it's a portal to a black hole!"

"Bla-bla-bla! You are just jealous cause your bra size doesn't even exist. Alice turn the music on already!"Alice turned the volume to the maximum and started dancing like crazy. I, on the other hand, pulled a face to Sarah and crossed my arms.

"Max just dance! High school is finally over! We have a whole summer to our selves!" She shouted on the top of her lungs, but I still barely heard her over the loud music.

"Yeah stop whining and live your life for once!" Sarah shouted in my ear.She then took my hands and moved them around making me dance like I was her puppet.

"I 'lived my life' for four hours in the club, that's definitely enough for today!"

"Shut up and dance like it's the end of the world!" Alice shouted again and came really close to me. With her in front of me and Sarah from behind they made me move around to the beat. Making me do silly moves really did wake me up.

The music was so loud that I could feel the bass. The feeling of the vibrations both in my heart and on the floor were pleasant in a strange way. But then suddenly everything started shaking. The lamp was going back and forth, noises of objects falling to the ground filled our ears and then the ground shook so intensely that we couldn't stand straight. As quickly as I possibly could I laid down under a bed and protected my head with my hands. The speaker was still playing music when the bookcase collapsed on top of the bed I was hiding under and it's books nearly completely covered my view of the room. Then a loud bang was heard and the electricity was suddenly cut off. After what felt like hours the earthquake stopped and silence filled the room.

"Alice? Sarah? Are you OK?" I asked but the only answer I got were sobs. I quickly started pushing the books away to make some room for me to squeeze through. I stood up and looked around. My eyes hadn't yet adjusted to the darkness.

"Where are you? I can't see a thing!"

"in front of-f the door." I heard Alice stater. She was clearly in shock. Then I remembered that my phone was in my pocket so I took it out and opened the flash. I pointed it to her and what I saw made me nearly drop it. Sarah's body was lying lifeless in front of her. A pool of blood had formed on the floor where her head was resting.

"Oh no! Sarah!" I walked up to her and kneeled. "Sarah answer me!" I shook her but she didn't respond.

"We have to get her out of here!" Alice said and stood up.She tried to open the door but nothing happened. Then in her panic she started banging it with all her might over and over again.

"Hey, stop! Alice, I said stop! The door is locked."

"Where is the stupid key then?!"

"Sarah has it." We both looked at her with hesitation.

"I will search for it. You take my phone and call the police." I told her and kneeled down again. I turned Sarah around gently so that she would face me. Then I reached inside her cleavage and pulled the key out. For a moment I held it in my hand. It was really warm. Then I noticed a bed sheet that was lying besides me so I grabbed it and pressed it against her. I couldn't understand where the wound was located exactly so I just wrapped it tightly around her head.

Then I got up and tried to unlock the door with the key but it wouldn't budge. I looked at Alice with a worried expression.

"I called every emergency number I know of but all the lines are busy. What should we do Max?" She said and tears started forming in her eyes.

"How about we call our parents?"

"I don't remember their phone numbers, and I have no idea where my cell is!" She said with a shaky voice.

"Give it to me, I will call mine." I said and took it from her shaking hands. I typed my mother's phone number and called her. It beeped for a long time but no-one answered.

"What should we do now Max?"

"I don't know. I really don't."

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