Chapter 1

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Raf's brown hair shakes a little as he nods his head.
"If you're willing to tell the story then, I'd love to hear it." He said to Bee. He could feel Bee's frame shake slightly at the memory of it all.
"Okay." He beeped to the young boy.
In the memory
Bumblebee's pov

I could feel the ground shake as a bomb exploded close to our base.
"This mission better not kill me." I joke to my best friend and partner Ironhide. He just laughs.
"Same. But then again, based on your fighting skills, you might actually make it." He says laughing. I put on an expression of fake offence.
"Might?" I ask sounding hurt. "I didn't think I was that bad!" I pout. That just makes him laugh harder.
"I'm kidding Bee, you'll make it. You always have." He says. I smile patting his shoulder plating.
"Aw thanks bruh. I'm sure you'll make it too." I say. He shakes his helm, smiling.
"Yeah, sure." He responds. I'm about to say something back when our commander begins to speak. Did I mention that we don't get along at all? Well, we don't.
"Alright, you worthless sacks of potatoes! Let's not fail this mission and kick some serious tail pipe!" He yells at us. Suddenly his helm snaps in my direction. He walks up to me and says
"You're leading the way, understood?" I stare at him in shock. Is he serious? I'm a scout. Scouts are only allowed to lead the way if it's too dangerous for anyone else to lead. And since the conditions aren't bad enough yet cause the mission hasn't even started yet, I can't take the lead.
"Um, with all due respect sir but, the Autobot rules state that as a scout I'm not allowed to lead a mission unless the conditions require me to do so. And at the moment they don't so... You might want to find someone else." I say as respectfully as possible. He just growls and shoves me to the hangar doors.
"Now." He growls. I realize that I'm not going to be able to escape this so, I start walking. Silently.
3rd person pov

"Wait, wait, wait. He made you go even though it was against the rules?! That's not very nice." Raf interrupts Bee's story. Bumblebee just chuckles slightly.
"Well, like I said, he didn't like me. So you can imagine he'd do anything to get rid of me. I think it's cause he knew that I was better than him and smarter so he was jealous." Bee responds, joking about the last part. Raf just laughs.
"Well Bee. Based on what I've seen from you I wouldn't be surprised." The young boy giggles. Bee just revs his engine in response.
"Anymore questions you want to ask? Or can I get back to the story?" Bumblebee asks. Raf shakes his head.
"I'm good for now, you can continue." The boy responds as they begin to near their racing point.
"Alright." Bee says as he goes to continue the story.

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