The Walk Home

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   Max and I started walking home. Him taking the path I've made and me taking cuts through trees and darting ow hanging branches from the old oak trees. I thought I might have a little fun so I ducked behind a tree. Max stopped on the trail. "Violet come one. Don't do this."

         "Why not" I said trying to throw my voice. "We need to get home. Now. "I heard him start to walk towards me. I tried to quiet my breathing and he stopped moving. Now I thought would be fun to scare him. I jumped out and there was no one there. "Boo. Max where are you." No Answer. I heard leaves rustle behind me. "Max?" No Answer. " Max. Please I'm sorry." Once again no answer. I was starting to get scared now. I started to walk towards the path. I reached the path. Max wasn't there. I went to turn around and he was right there. I ran right into his chest. He didn't say anything. I wanted to stay there. Forever. He walked away and started to run. I followed him. I made my way on the path through the forest. I then made my way on the path that went through the wheat fields that surrounded. Once I was out of there I could see the house. To be honest I was glad to be back.

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