Chapter 2

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I was sitting in English in the back row of the classroom because Mr. Cheddar didn't like me much, and he decided to sit me there because I was "behaving inappropriatly". He had always made false judgement about someone near me talking and then just blames in on me. Come on now, get over yourself dude, I'm a good student, I have a 4.0 GPA and complete straight A's, then I manage to take part in cheerleading and community service. My plate is like completly full, I don't have time for a teacher's bullshit anymore. But while I was sitting in class I heard my phone buzz in my pocket, I was debating whether or not to check it, I honestly didn't care what Mr. Cheddar did, I get blamed for everything anyway so why not check it. I took my phone out and noticed it was a text message from Derek. 

"We need to talk, its important, and sorry to bother you in class...but meet me in the usual spot"

I honestly thought that was a bad sign, because he would always call me babe, baby, or sweety or something sweet. I looked at the time and there was about five minutes of class left, it was no big deal that he would send me a message like that, but it just got me a little worried. For the rest of the time in class I left my phone sitting on my lap just in case I got any other messages from Derek, but no other texts came in, so I figured I would meet him by the bench by the practice gym (cheerleaders practice gym). I had started packing up when Mr. Cheddar walked by my seat and noticed my phone was sitting on my lap, first of all, why are you looking there perv? Ugh. 

"Zoey, I'll have to ask you to stay after class to explain to me why you have your phone out," he spoke right next to my face, so I could clearly hear him. 

"I don't see what I did wrong sir, I mean you always penalize me for half the shit in the class and I don't ever do anything wrong. I would also like to ask why you are looking down at my upper thighs in the first place, even if my phone is placed there, you have no right to look at the area, that can be notified as sexual harrasement, and I don't think a teacher as yourself would like to have that on your record for you to loose your job. Would you?" I stood up, and spoke directly to him so he knew I was upset with the situation. 

"Ms. Gold I am going to have to ask you to take your seat, for the period of the class time or that will be a detention for you." As he threatened to give me a detention I had already had all my stuff packed up and ready to go, so I just walked out the door. I honestly didn't care what Mr. Cheddar tried to do, because the way he was looking at me, that was inappropraite, and I could report that. As the bell rang, I was already on my way over to the practice room to meet Derek so he could tell me his important news. 

'Zoey!" Derek came up to me, and grabbed me by the waist and hugged me. 'Look I'm sorry for bothering you during class, I already heard what happened, but damn baby you went off on Mr. Cheddar good job darling, I honestly never thought you could have done something like that." He kissed my cheek. 

"Alright well I would like to know whats so important, and hey I've never liked that teacher and he has never ever one bit liked me, so it was about time somebody went off on him," I was almost yelling of frustrastion.

"Well this isn't exactly easy to say but..." He paused, "I cheated on you a while back and I thought I should do the right thing and tell you, then take the punishment of loosing you, if that's what you choose to do..."

I honestly had no idea what to believe, I was in shock. I went silent for the next couple moments. 

"It's nice that you decided to tell me...but I'll have to think about this, and I'll let you know what I'm going to choose, I'm just glad that you told me before I found out from anybody else Derek." I turned and walked away without giving him a kiss or even a hug. I walked into my next period, but I completly ignored everybody who tried to say one word to me. Destiny happened to be in the class, and she ran up to me and almost jumped on me just to get my attention. 

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