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~Friday, Day before senior prom, Aquarius is in 2nd period math class~

"Psst! Picses! Meet me in the hallway!" Aquarius whispered to Picses during math. Picses raises his hand.

"May I go to the bathroom?" He asked the math teacher, Mr. Andrews.

"Absolutely not! Aquarius is out. You may go when she gets back," Mr. Andrews replied rudely. Meanwhile, Aquarius is waiting impatiently in the hallway outside the room.

"But Mr. Andrewwwwwwwwsssssss! I really have to use the bathroom!" Picses crossed his legs to really sell the act.

"Fine. If you really have to. But don't expect me to be this nice next time!" Picses ran outside and came face to face with Aquarius.

"Ok, what do you want? It was a real hassle trying to get past Mr. A back there," Picses questioned Aquarius.

"C'mon! We're skipping!" She answered.

"No way! Why? We just skipped! I'm not leaving twice in one week!"

"It's because I need to get a prom dress!"

"What? We just got you one on Monday when we skipped!"

"Yeah but I saw Libra's and hers is way better! I have to have the most amazing dress! Now come on! I'm not arguing with you. It'll give me pre-mature wrinkles."

"No. I'm not skipping class with you today. Or any other day. This rivalry between you and Libra is just stupid, and if you can't see that this has gone way too far, then maybe this will open your eyes. We're through." And with that, Picses calmly walked back into the classroom.

A/N: Hey guys! I know I haven't updated this story in a while! But I really hope you guys like this chapter! I should be updating again soon because I think Picses needs a new girlfriend soon... Anyway, see you all in the next chapter!

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