Baby Shower

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7th July, 2004, 11 years 'B.R.' [Before Riley]

"Good news!" Bill said to Jill the next day after he got home from work. "My boss let me off work for maternity leave. So now I can help with the new baby."

"That's great news!" Jill said, hugging Bill. Bill noticed how big Jill's belly was now. "Not long till the baby's due, roughly about 3 days." Jill said. "Soon... I'm gonna be a father!" Bill said happily. His Emotions cheered.

8th July, 2004, 11 years 'B.R.' [Before Riley]

The next day, Jill hosted a baby shower, where friends and family came by to bless them with gifts, all for their new baby.

It was a lot of fun. Jill and Bill chatted to the guests about all the fun they had preparing for it, and Bill entertained everyone with his talent of pretending to be a monkey.

All too soon, the baby shower drew to a close. By the end of the afternoon, Jill was busy loading all the presents into the house for their new baby. "Soon," Bill said. "It won't be long till I am a dad!" Bill said.

Suddenly, Jill wobbled, and almost fell over. Bill caught her before she fell over. "I think you'd better rest." he said to his wife, hustling her to her armchair. Jill had only just sat down when she started groaning, and yelped in pain. Bill was shocked. "Honey, are you ok?!" he asked. Jill looked up weakly at him. "Bill..." she gasped, "it's time."

Without a second thought, Bill called the hospital, and an ambulance whisked Jill to hospital, and Bill followed behind. His Emotions looked on in worry, and wonder, hoping Jill would be all right.

Soon, they reached the hospital.

"Oh my, Mrs Andersen!" the head nurse said, "you weren't due till after tomorrow. But I think I can squeeze you in somewhere."

Jill got into a baby-giving ward, and the doctors and nurses worked hard to help her have her baby. "Get a reading on the EFM!" the head nurse called. "Now push, Mrs Andersen, push!"

Bill sat on a chair just outside the room, waiting for what was to happen. His Emotions waited with baited breath, watching for what would come next.

Suddenly, he heard Jill's loud yelps, then a loud scream of pain, then...


Bill covered his eyes, waiting for the worst.

at that moment, a doctor came out. "Congrats, Mr Andersen. It's a girl!" he said.

He let Bill into the room, and then he could see his new daughter. "Amazing." he said, incredulously. "Well," Jill said, "what shall we name him??" the nurse asked. "How about..." Bill paused impressively. "...Riley?"

"OK." the nurse said. writing the name down. "Riley Andersen it is." she then left the room.

"Hello, Riley." Jill said.

"Oh, look at you!" Bill said. "Aren't you a little bundle of joy?"

And the rest, as they say, is history.

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