Chapter Thirty Three

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Picture of Annasophia Robb as Carter to the side (she looks SO gorgeous in this oml!!)


Carter Kelly's P.O.V

Sam hasn't come back since the day he said he was going to talk to Tyler. Aleks and I decided that his absence means one of two things. He either got to Ty and is now working with them to rescue us, or he was discovered and was killed.

Today is the day before my birthday.

Today might just be the last day of my life.

Today is the first time I've realized how badly I want to live.

There's a weird tension in the air. People are constantly shuffling around and walking through our area and double checking to make sure we're really locked in. Everyone seems nervous, like they're completely unsure of their next move.

Meanwhile, Aleks and I are sitting in ourselves taking turns letting silent tears roll down our faces and comforting one another.

We could easily die tonight.

Neither of us will say that out loud, though.

The silence between us is deafening.

We're both weak and tired, barely holding on to our tiny ray of hope. I think we're both praying Sam got to Tyler, but we sort of have a feeling he didn't.

Figuring out time today is difficult. Sometimes hours feel like seconds and sometimes seconds feel like hours. It's nearly impossible to tell when one of us is going to be ripped from the other and-

I don't want to finish that sentence.

It's my turn to cry now and it's the worst wave yet.

"Try and sleep, kiddo."

"I don't want to wake up alone."

They can't kill you unless they kill me. They can't kill you unless they kill me. They can't kill you unless they kill me. They can't kill you unless they kill me.

Those words keep playing over and over in my head. Aleks might die tonight because of me. I can't let two family members die because of me.

"You won't."

He gives me the best smile he possibly can give me, but I don't believe it. I close my eyes and try to listen to him, for once. After all, it could be the last chance I have to do so.


It's a cozy night.

The main lights in the house are off, but candles are lit and string lights are turned on. Tyler and I are sitting on the sectional under the comfiest blanket we own watching cozy movies.

For a bit anyway.

Ten minutes into the movie, Tyler's lips are on my neck and before I know it we're both completely topless.

I easily get lost in his touch. My entire being feels like it's on fire, a good kind of fire. My hands tangle in his hair as his lips trail down my neck and his hands roam my body.

He stops when he feels one of my scars just above my hip on my side. His forehead lays against my shoulder as his fingers trace the large dip in my skin lightly.

"What happened?"Tyler whispers.

"Pushed into a fence."I whisper back, my eyes close and I take in a sharp breath. "I was eight."

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