The Lyon's

533 6 1

Lucious Lyon
I the founder of empire enterprises
I have a wife cookie Lyon
I am CEO of empire
I have three kids
Andre n Jamal m Hakeem Lyon

Cookie Lyon
I the Co founder of empire enterprises
I had a husband lucious Lyon
I have three kids
Andre n Jamal n Hakeem Lyon

Andre Lyon
I the businesses pattern of empire enterprises
I have a wife Rhonda Lyon
I have a baby on the way

Jamal Lyon
I am a singer
I'm signed with empire enterprises
I have a boyfriend Michale Sanchez
I have no kids

Hakeem Lyon
I am a rapper
I'm signed with empire enterprises
I have no girl friend just side hoes
I have no kids thank god 🙏

Hakeem LyonOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant