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As we entered the school we immediately got stares from the kids in he hallway I got dirty looks from the girls n boys checking me out
Hakeem: babe let's go take u to the office so u can get to class
Principal: Mr.Lyon why r u not in class
Hakeem:I was *gco*
Principal: just BC ur luscious lyon son doesn't *gco*
Me: hi I'm Laura n I'm new here Hakeem was just showing me where the office is
Principal: well Mr.Lyon ur off the hook this time but next time *gco*
Hakeem: yea yea I get it 🙄
Principal: get to class Mr.Lyon
Hakeem:I'll See u later Laura
*Hakeem leaves *
Principal: u should really stay away from him he's bad news
Me: no offense but I just need my schedule so I can get to class
Principal: Laura Marie Calleros?
Me: yes
Principal: here u go now get to class
*I walk out the office*
1. Us history
2. Science
6. Computers
As I was walking down the hall this girl bumps into me
Girl: Aye watch where ur going
Me: ayye u bumped into me SK watch where ur going
Girl: wait aren't u the new girl the one that was with my boyfriend
Me: Umm he's not ur boyfriend
Girl: just watch ur back bc hakeem mine bitch
Me: whatever puta
Teacher: Tina get in class right now or imma send u to the office
Girl: this ain't over
Me: ooohh I'm so scared 🙄

A/n Will be updating my books soon so check them out 😏

Hakeem LyonOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant