Chapter 1

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Selena pov

I woke up in the morning and went downstairs and i saw my mom cooking breakfast and gracie was sitting on the couch watching peppa pig and drinking an orange juice ibwent in the kitchen sqid good morning took my food and ate it and checked my instagram to see if justin had post anything , he did

He looked so hot so i went in direct message and typed so hot, i put down my phone and heard someone knock at my door i knew it was demi . I opened the door andni say she brought in a bone crushing hug it hurtss so so much someone help.

Selena:demi your killing me
Demi:sorry sel, im just so exited for tonight,justin is having a concert here but i have no tickets but im still happy cause we might see him anywhere in town. Ahhhhh!!
Selena:demi stop shouting gracie and mom is in there  and justins mine.
Demi:whatever you say.


I fell asleep with demi in my room and i heard my knocking i.wonder who it is and its 9pm in the night wow, i opended the door and i was about to punch this person in the face because they were in a costume that looks like justin

Selena:hey,i dont have tike for this who are you l, i know your not justin bieber answer me before i call the police.

Justin:im Justin bieber for real, see my body guards are their and any belieber can know my license plate for my Ferrari.

I looked at the license plate omg its justin and Justin's car omg,omg.

Demi:what,, omg thats justin bieber
Justin:heyy what your name
Selena:I'm selena your biggest fan
Justin:nice to meet you selena Gomez
selena:how'd you know my last name
Justin:you send me a message saying so hot, did you know your cute and beautiful
selena:*blushes* thank you, your cuter than me
Justin:demi youe cute too
Demi:oh, whatever selena got you all wrapped around her finger.

Demi walks out of the room sad, i felt sorry for her so much I knewvshe was inlove with justin like I am, aww gotta do something.

Selena: justin can I ask you something for friend demi lo----

"Omg justin just kissed not on the cheek not on the head but on the lips omg im freaking out right now I gotta tell demi, wait what justins right of ne and out loud im inlove with justin bieber wait I'm talking out loud "

Justin:you were saying that out loud and I think I'm in love with you too. I.....uh...I um can we be friends here is my number I have a concert i will be in texas for one month so.....mabye we could hang out sometimes carry demi I think she would like...someone that I brough..t by...bye.

Selena:bye, jay can I call you that of course I can the name is cute and your cute so bye.

Justin:*blushes* bye sel

I can't believe I kissed justin bieber, became his friend and got his number and it all happen in one day wow this is awesome omg what if In the future I'll be his girlfriend then his wife and then we'llhave chirldren together ans we'llgrow old together aww.

Justin:can we take a picture
Selena: I thought I was the one to ask you for a picture. Your the famous ok jay sure I'll take a picture with you.

We took the. Picture it looked cute he said he was gonna post it on instagram I didn't have a problem with it he kissed me on the cheek and went away to his concert I think he is turning into my boyfriend, wow.

I went upstairs demi was still sleeping I layed beside her and see felt when I layed beside and she said i love you just dont get hurt by justin and I said I wont but will I don't know but Justins not that type of guy right

I took out my phone and looked on instagram and saw justins photo

Caption:when it feels like you've found the love of your life@selenagomez

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Caption:when it feels like you've found the love of your life@selenagomez

Aww he thinks im the love his life im freaking im gonna sleep before i have heartattack

Authour:sorry not so spicy as you thoughtr

Her Idol (Jelena)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt