Chapter 3

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Selena pov

Dingggggg my damn alarm woke up i jumped out of bed and went downstairs and saw demi making breakfast it smelled so good i was ready to eat.

Demi: i didn't make any breakfast i thought you were going to justin before you go to school.

Selena:demi are you mad at me about justin. Your best friend tell me.

Demi:fuck off selena.

She stepped out through the door and went to school without me, i knew she loved justin but not in love with him wow. I ate and did my hair no makeup justin said he was gonna.pick me.up from college to carry me on the date im so happy
Knock.knock.someone i and.saw

Justin:hey,babe. Im carrying you to school so come on.

He took me up bridal style and carried me to his .SUV JEEP WOW!!!.

Selena:thank you, and im very fat wasn't i heavy
justin:babe first of all your not fat and second your not heavy and i love you just the way you are ok babe

Selena: thanks babe

We reached the school and he took me out of the car and attacked my lips with his and every one was looking at us but i really don't care and i only have a year left at college after that I'm free. I snapped out of my thoughts by justin still kissing me wow

Then the popular girl jessica and kylie.came up to us.

Kylie:hi justin,you dont need to kiss slutena you can kiss me.

Justin ignored her and kiss me  one more time and told me  goodbye

Justin:bye babe
Selena:bye jay

I walked into the hallway , with jessica and kylie walking behind me

Jessica: selena thats my man, stay away from justin ok i will kill


I can't believe that Jessica bitch punched me in  the face omg i was gonna kill her i kicked her in the stomach and she winced in pain.

Selena:nice talking to you, too. Kill em with kindness

My first period was math and in that class i have with my bestfriend demi and my ex nick jonas. UGH!!!

I  walked in the class and saw everyone looking at me  i was so shocked i didn't know what i did.  Ohhhhh, im dating justin bieber thats it.

Mr bradknok:good morning selena
Selena:nice to see you too nick
Demi:selena comensit here and I'm sorry.
Selena:its ok.

I sat beside  demi and nick put his hand on my thigh and i slapped him in the face and he puched me in the face and said justin didnt love me i was so hurt but i didn't believe him did i?.i love justin i never believed nick, i kicked him in the area and took my bag and left i called justin and he said he was gonna be here in 10. I waited for justin to come and when he came out of the car jessica came running i didn't  mine it i looked down and back and saw justin kissing jessica.

Her Idol (Jelena)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt