Broken Amethyst~9

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As before I remind you that this is a rough draft  and has not been edited. Please remember to vote and comment.  Thank you in advance for your support. 


It didn’t take long to get to Amethyst’s apartment complex, which was actually an old rundown motel, now renting out rooms by the week or month. It was the type of place most would expect drug users and prostitutes to live; not something suitable for a single girl on her own.

Pulling into the pothole ridden driveway, Victoria shuttered just a little bit. “You actually live here sweetness?”

Letting out a sigh, Amethyst replied, “Yes. I know it’s rather run down, but they don’t require credit checks or deposits, and let’s just say when I got into town, my funds were more than bleak.”

“I see.” Victoria said while patting her leg. “Don’t worry about it, I get it. Let us just get your stuff so you can be done with this place for good.” She said, giving Amethyst a reassuring smile.

Returning her smile, Amethyst pointed to her apartment over to the right. “Just over there; number five.”

Parking in front of the apartment door; Victoria cut the engine. “Well let’s get to it sweetheart. Your new home is waiting for you.”

Getting out of the car, both women strolled over to the door, as Amethyst was pulling out her key to place it in the lock; she noticed that the door was a jar just an inch. Pushing the door open slowly, she looked inside. At first glance nothing seemed out of place, but still something felt a little off. Just as she was about to step over the threshold, she felt Victoria pulling her back by her shoulder.

“What in the hell do you think you’re doing?” Victoria growled behind her.

“I’m going to get my stuff.”

“Are you crazy? I saw that the door was open. Someone could still be in there waiting for your return.”

Amethyst turned her head slightly to look at Victoria. “And what do you expect me to do, call the police. You know damn well that we’ll be sitting here all day until they decided to show up.”

“We can wait.” Victoria told her, her tone sounding just like a mother putting her foot down. This made Amethyst tingle just a little; she adored the thought of someone actually caring for her safety. Still, she wasn’t going to wait around for the cops.

“Like hell! I’m not going to wait around for someone that might not even be in there to come out.” Reaching into her purse, Amethyst started rummaging around until she wrapped her hand around what she had been looking for. Pulling the object out of her purse she turned around to fully face the door of her apartment.  

“Is that a gun?” Victoria gasped in a harsh whisper..

Looking over her shoulder at Victoria, she winked. “Yes and no.”

Victoria grabbed her shoulder once again. “Which one is it, yes or no?”

Raising the object over her head, Amethyst gave Victoria a brief glimpse of the object in her hand. “Will you relax, it’s just a Taser. Now get behind me; I know what I’m doing, so stop worrying. I took a class and everything.”

“Why in the hell do you have a Taser?”

Amethyst started to feel herself lose patience. She wanted to get into her apartment and now. “Let’s just say this isn’t my first time at the rodeo.”

Victoria couldn’t help herself. She just looked at Amethyst and nodded her head, while she tried to suppress the urge to throw her in the car and speed away. She couldn’t help but think of the way her heart was pounding, as she held her breath, waiting to see what was behind the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2013 ⏰

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