A New Year

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James was chilling on the sofa, bored and with nothing to do, when his tawny owl called Oscar came crashing into the window with a loud BANG! James jumped to his feet and was relieved to see that it was only that the post had arrived. He stepped over to the window as the bright rays of the sun swept through the windows, brightening up the room. James propped the owl up and took the post from its huge claws. James shouted whilst carefully scanning the letter, 'RUBBISH! It's a damn school letter. MUM!' A woman who wasn't skinny but not chubby either, with dark hair and her son's hazel eyes came down the stairs, quiet as a mouse and snatched the letter from James. Her eyes were fixed on the letter, then she went to the kitchen and put the letter on the counter. James didn't say a word to his mother as he sat there reading all the letters he had received. James didn't bother to read or reply to Lily's letters to him as he still felt a bit awkward about the last time they had seen each other. Mrs Potter was baking pancakes for breakfast and James skidded to the table anxiously as she set out the pancakes on plates on the table. He then immediately gobbled it all down and had around 6 pancakes and he wasn't even full after that. James then went up to his room after cleaning off his plate and put it away. Sirius had sent James, Peter, Remus and Lily letters to meet up in a muggle park.

Meanwhile, in the Evans household... 'Lily,' snarled a girl with almost black hair and eyes, with a disgusted look on her face. She happened to be Lily's sister. 'Good morning, Petunia,' greeted Lily with a bright smile on her face. Lily and Petunia then went down to eat their breakfast.

Meanwhile, in the Black household... Sirius was having his cousins over for the weekend. There was Andromeda (A girl with light brown eyes and hair. Her hair was long and bushy but she herself was quite shy and avoided eye contact with almost everyone), Narcissa (A girl with ebony black hair and dark but sharp eyes. A girl who can make everyone, but Sirius, shut up with just one glance), and Bellatrix (A girl with yellowing teeth, bulging black eyes and black, long, curly hair). 'Do you think I'm mad?' Bellatrix asked. 'Not at all,' replied Narcissa. 'No, certainly not!' Regulus added. Regulus was Sirius' older brother who had features such as the others had. His hair was to the middle of his neck and a very dark colour and he had the dark eyes his cousins had too. Regulus had a long face that always frowned and rarely grinned. Andromeda stayed silent throughout the whole conversation, looking at her traditional English breakfast then for an escape route. Andromeda was younger than her sisters but older than Regulus and Sirius. She sped off with a clear plate and in silence without anyone noticing her. 'I think you're barking,' Sirius continued. Everybody stared at Sirius in an awkward silence. 'No, sorry, I'm barking, you're just mad. Woof woof!' Sirius finally uttered. Everyone kept staring blankly until Regulus commented, 'You're such a silly little child, grow up.' 'On a scale of 1 to 10, yes, I will always be a kid at heart and I am childish. I will never grow up,' Sirius replied. He finished off his food then added, 'Well then, I'm off. You wait until Prongs, Moony and Wormtail and Lily hear about this.' Sirius smiled then danced out of the room, carrying the remainders of his food to feed the dogs, a border collie called Billy and a king charles spaniel named Charlie.

Yet for the others, it was always a fight to get Peter to do anything and Remus was always one step ahead. As soon as the marauders and Lily had eaten, they pulled on which ever clothes they could find and travelled to St James' park. It was only because James wanted to feel like a saint that they went to that specific park. As soon as Lily spotted James, she ran up to him and hugged him. James looked terrified and didn't bother to hug back. Lily let go and sighed with relief, 'I'm glad you're okay because you haven't replied to me all summer. I had to write to everyone else to check if you were alright. Did you get my letters?' 'Oh... Urm... Nope,' James hesitated. 'Don't lie to me, I can hear it in your voice and you hesitated,' Lily commanded. James just nodded, pretending not to notice her. 'Why didn't you read my letters? You had me worried sick,' Lily asked. 'I didn't read your letters because of what happened last time we talked,' James answered. 'Stop holding that over your head, Prongs. It's been ages so get over it,' Sirius jumped in. James sighed and tried to change the subject.

'James, James, James,' Sirius remembered, 'At breakfast, I told Bella I'm barking mad as in bonkers but she's mad in a kind of killer way.' James laughed, 'I'm so proud of you mate,' as he gave Sirius a pat on the shoulder. 'Reggie called me a child and I 100% agreed because life's too short,' Sirius went on. 'In all fairness, both of us will always be childish,' James mentioned. 'That's true. Oh well, their loss because we're having all the fun and they're all just a bunch of old, boring, snobbish pigs,' Sirius chuckled as he and James completed their perfect handshake. 'Doesn't matter because we can always rub it in their faces later,' James added.

Later on, the group departed as Sirius had snuck out to meet up with them and had to get back before his family realised he was missing. Remus however, had to prepare for the next full moon although he didn't say why he was leaving. Peter just wanted to go home and Lily had a day out with her muggle friends starting soon. They all left James alone so James trailed off, down the dusty path, back to his house.

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