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you guys deserve some fluff. listen to the song above for full affect (':


Waking up in his arms, arms of such familiarity. He doesn't feel the urge to escape them, rather fake his unconsciousness and burrows deeper in the person's chest.

He feels the person exhale, and a pair of lips brushing the back of his neck. Staying completely still even while his heart was beating fast, he hears them slowly get out of bed in efforts not to wake him up.

Once Jungkook hears the door close, he sits up and rubs his eyes. The sheets barely cover his bare chest and he sighs in relief when he sees he still has his boxers on. He searches for something to wear, and settles on a black one size to big t shirt at the end of the bed.

Quietly, he pads out into the hallway, gripping the end of his shirt. The scent on the material was scary familiar, and somehow he knew who was going to be standing in the kitchen before he looked.

The messy dark brown haired man had his back turned to him, his muscles tensing and extending as he fixed up breakfast. The sight made the ends of Jungkook's mouth perk up slightly for some reason.

He squeaks a little at the coldness of the tile on his bare feet, and raises his hand to his mouth. The man peers over his shoulder, and Jungkook's heart beat quickens.

"You're up." Taehyung says, scooping up some eggs on to a plate as well as bacon and toast. He walks over to Jungkook and slinks his free arm around his waist. Gripping his hip with his hand, Taehyung presses his lips to his temple before passing him and placing the plate at the bar.

With cheeks aflame, Jungkook sways on his feet but stays put. Taehyung laughs and gestures to the seat. "Sit down, I made you breakfast."

It would've been easier on Jungkook's heart if the eggs had been hard to swallow, if he had even found an egg shell in the scrambled dairy. But no, the eggs were fluffy and full of flavor, they were delicious. Jungkook groans.

"Do you not like the eggs?" Taehyung asks, furrowing his eyebrows.

"I do, that's the problem." Jungkook whimpers and puts his head down, puffing out his cheeks as he shovels eggs into his mouth. "What happened last night?"

"Ah," Taehyung says, a little confused by Jungkook's reaction to the eggs. "You got drunk... and someone tried to hook up with you. I interfered and ended up taking you home with me."

Jungkook blinks. "Did we have sex?"

"No." Taehyung sputters, coughing on his orange juice. "I didn't, I wouldn't-"

"I'm kidding." Jungkook takes another bite of his eggs, smirking at the older. His confidence was slowly coming back, and he was becoming more comfortable.

After he finished his breakfast, he gets up to clear his plate. He rinses the remnants of his breakfast off and plops the plate in the dishwasher. Deciding to tackle the rest of the dishes in the sink, he begins washing them, and he feels to arms hug his waist loosely.

"What're you doing.." Taehyung mutters and nuzzles the nape of his neck. Jungkook bites the inside of his cheek and attempts to stay focused on the dishes.

"Washing dishes, let me be." Jungkook insists, and looks over his shoulder to meet his eyes. Taehyung had already been looking at him, and their faces were close, too close. Taehyung eyes flit down to Jungkook's lips.

"Let me finish." Jungkook breathes and turns back to he dishes. He hears the older sigh, and walk out of the kitchen.

When he's sure he's alone, Jungkook grips the sink edges and takes a deep breath. This was all moving so fast, it was too soon. The bad part was, he felt deep down that they were moving too slow.

That they should be kissing, going on dates, holding hands, making love. These outrageous thoughts were in his head, and he didn't even know the guy all too well.

He woke up and it was like he had stepped into a movie. It was all so different, they had never acted this way to each other before. The question was, should he go along with it, or leave?

Once he finished the dishes, he walks hesitantly into the living room. All previous thoughts subsided when he sees Taehyung sprawled out on the couch. A pillow sat under his arm and he used the other to flip through channels on the television. There was a lazy way his eyes flitted across the buttons and how stray hairs of his bed head would be blown out of the way with air bursts coming from his mouth. He was completely relaxed, and Jungkook appreciated how naturally handsome he looked.

Jungkook is careful to sit on the very end of the couch, avoiding Taehyung's feet. He hears a low chuckle sound from the other end, and a hand pulls on his own. Taehyung pulls Jungkook so he's laying in front of him sideways, Jungkook closest to the TV and back pressed against Taehyung's chest.

"Don't try escaping." Taehyung runs his hands through Jungkook's hair, and Jungkook can feel his eyes burning into the back of his head. A faint smile graces his lips and he rests his head on his forearm.

After a while of watching Total Drama Island reruns, it started to get hot. The younger shifted uncomfortably, making Taehyung halting his fingers stroking his hair.

"Are you hot?" Taehyung murmurs, his hot breath fanning the nape of Jungkook's neck. This didn't help the heat in his cheeks and body, and Jungkook blows air onto his forehead.

"Yeah.." Jungkook admits, not thinking much when he lifts up his shirt. Taehyung watches as he fans his toned stomach, and Jungkook soon realizes that what he was doing was rather suggestive. He pulls his shirt back down and clears his throat.

Lips brush the crook of his neck and Jungkook curls his fingers around his shirt. Taehyung envelopes his waist with one arm, tracing his hip bone with his index. He inhales Jungkook's scent and his lips skit across his skin all the way to his shoulder.

Jungkook closes his eyes and reaches for Taehyung's free hand. Their fingers intertwine slowly and rest on Jungkook's shoulder. He extends his neck and dips his hips further against Taehyung to give him more access.

The soft kisses were becoming more heated and Taehyung places a small kiss on his knuckles. He lets go of his hand and runs his hands through Jungkook's hair. Jungkook cups the back of Taehyung's neck as he kisses his jawline, head tilted back.

Eventually, Taehyung had shifted, and Jungkook had found himself halfway under Taehyung. He moans softly when Taehyung kisses a gentle spot on his neck. Knowing that it was his soft spot from the noise he made, Taehyung sucked softly, making Jungkook gasp.

His legs were paralyzed, he was completely still. His heart was frantic and pounding like crazy. The feeling Taehyung's touch gave him was extraordinary, he wanted to curl into this bliss with him forever.

Taehyung began kissing his cheek, and massaged the hair on Jungkook's head. Jungkook opens his eyes when Taehyung kisses the corner of his mouth. Before he could do more, Jungkook pulls away and looks at him.

"Tae--" Jungkook gasps when Taehyung grips Jungkook's hair by it's roots and yanks his neck back. His lips were parted and wet, eyes wide at Taehyung's sudden aggressive side. There was something different in the older's eyes, something lustful and sinful. Jungkook shivers and bites his lip.

"Taehyung." He murmurs, and Taehyung blinks and immediately lets go of him.

"Shit- uh I'm sorry." Taehyung scratches the back of his neck. He glances at his watch and jumps off the back of the couch.

"I actually have to go run a few errands." He says, and Jungkook furrows his eyebrows.

"It's the weekend." Jungkook frowns.

"I know, I'm sorry." Taehyung glances at him hesitantly before kissing his temple. "You're welcome to stay as long as you want. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

"Alright.." Jungkook says, watching him leave. Taehyung hurries to the back door, slamming it shut and leaning against the wall. He groans and bangs his head on the surface.

Looks like daddy has some issues, even after three years. Better watch out little J, daddy may not be the perfect prince charming after all. Hope you can handle it.



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