I love you || part 13

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Jimin's pov~

I woke up to my phone ringing on my pillow. A massive headache hit me as soon as my eyes opened because I drank a little too much. I just needed to get My mind off Jungkook for a short time. I look at my phone and see that yoongi's calling me at 4am. What does this kid want?

"Hello?" I said clearing my throat.

"Jimin.." Yoongi said. He sounded sick.

"Yoongi? What do you want? It's 4 in the morning and I have a bad headache." I said.

"I'm sorry for everything I did to you. I love you so much." Yoongi said while sobbing softly.

"Yoongi.. I don't understand.." I said.

Was he okay?

"Goodbye jimin. Please forgive me." Yoongi said and hung up.

"Yoon-" I said before I was cut off.

I knew exactly what Yoongi was gonna do and it would be all my fault if I didn't stop him.

I ran to yoongis house as fast as I could. I couldn't let Yoongi die. I ran upstairs and saw the glow of the light shining through the cracks of the bathroom door.

"Yoongi! Open the door!" I yelled trying to open the door.

There was just an eerie silence.

I began to sob.

"Yoongi please!" I tried to open it one more time.

Yoongi mumbled something but I couldn't quite figure out what he was saying.

I gave one last push on the door and it finally opened.

I saw Yoongi laying on the bathroom floor with pills scattered around him, his body leaning against the bathtub.

I was too late.

"Yoongi!" I croaked out. "I'm so sorry..." I said between my sobs.

I pulled Yoongi out of the bathroom and sat on the bed as I hugged his lifeless body.

"Yoongi.." I croaked out again. "I didn't mean it! I was drunk!" I said yelling. "You killed yourself because of me and I'm so sorry!" I said sobbing into his body.

I calmed down a bit, still sniffling. I sat up, Staring at yoongi's body. His arms had cuts all over them. There was one big one cut that looked deep and fresh. I looked at his face. He has bags under his eyes, his hair was messy and his eyes were puffy even though they were closed.

I can't believe I was the cause for all of this.

I walked back into yoongis bathroom and saw letters on the floor.  Yoongi has been writing about me and Jungkook and how hurt he was.

I'm sorry, Yoongi. How could I do such a thing? I should've known. I was so selfish and didn't bother to see if you were okay.

There was a letter about how he saw Jungkook and Taehyung kissing at the park that Jungkook and I met at. I began to cry softly.

How could you move on so fast?

A tear landed on the last letter I was about to read.

"Jimin, I'm sorry I wasn't good enough for you. Please forgive me.. I love you."

"A few minutes after his death.." I said quietly.

As I read that letter I said,

"I think I love you too."

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