Is It Safe To Go Home

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                                                                                  Chapter Sixteen

Cas's POV

"Dean?" "Yeah, cas?" "You can sleep over here with me..? if you want." I smiled looking over at him. He opened his eyes. "Really? I don't wanna hurt you by accident." "Nah it will be fine, come on." "If you say so.." He smiled, I moved over alittle so he can lay down next to me. I loved being in his arms. He took off his shoes and laid down next to me and put his arms around me in a way of showing he never wants to let go, I snuggled into his chest and closed my eyes.

Deans POV

I was awaken by a knock at the door, I got out of bed carefully not waking up cas. I opened the door and the doctor was there and said, "He may go home whenever you would like to discharge him all the test have been finished and they all came out good. "Thanks doc." I sat in the chair as the doctor walked away. I looked at him and waited for him to wake up to bring him home. I thought to my self, "Where is even a place to bring call Home..? No where..Not even the bunker is safe..sam is probably there waiting for me and him so he can beat the shit out of me." "Deaaan." He sounded annoyed. "Yeah cas?" "Just cause I'm losing my powers don't mean I cant read/hear your thoughts. So please stop worrying and shut up, its giving me a headache." I chuckled lightly "Alright Alright..Im sorry cas." I thought to myself, "Grumpy much." And smiled to myself as thought that. "I heard that." "Go back to sleep so we can leave later." "We can leave?" "Yeah but I don't want you falling asleep as you walking." I laughed lightly. "Forget sleep! Come on I wanna get my ass out of here!" "Alright you sure?" "Yesss deaannnn come on." "Okay." I walked over to help him out of bed.

Cas's POV

As he helped me out of the bed I smiled and faked almost fall just to be in his arms. "Whoa whoa, you okay there?" He looked me in the eyes with a concerned look. I looked back in to his apple green eyes and smiled. "Yeah." I loved when he looks at me like that, it makes me feel safe and loved knowing that he cares about me. "Okay just makin sure." He stood there holding me in his arms not moving our eyes still locked together. I smiled and leaned in to close the gap in between our lips and kissed him softly and full of passion. He kissed back and we both closed our eyes at the same time and I moved my hips in sync with the kiss as hes hands made his way down to my waist. There was a knock at the door that made us pull apart, I frowned. "Uh sorry but whenever you ready you may leave." The nurse said shyly. "Uh thanks we were just leaving." Dean replied blushing. I smiled at him and snuggled closer into him as we were standing, he happily put his arm over my shoulders holding me close and protectively, the girl looked at dean and blushed. I can tell she thought he was hot. Dean also noticed it and smirked then winked at her causing her to look down and giggle. I get a little jealous and look up at him and kiss his neck with a little bit of sucking enough just to leave a little hickey. He looked down at me with a small smiled but alittle confused. "Come on dean I wanna get out of here." He sighed "Alright Alright but don't rush yourself." He helped me and held onto me alittle too tight making sure I don't fall. I didn't mind I just smiled. Once we got in the car he looked at me and asked. "Hey uh cas..are you okay?" "Yeah why?" "Then why did you do this?" He pointed to the hickey and blushed but with a giggle. "Uh..sorry dean..I-I..." He cuts me off, "Awe did cassie get jealous?" I blushed and looked down. "Aw cas theres no need to get jealous, I love you and only you. Forever." He looked at me . "I love you so much deanie." I smiled and looked at him. "I will love you dean for my whole life." "I know." He smiled and kissed my forehead and started the car.

_______________________30 MINS PASS_______________________

Deans POV

Cas fell asleep during the car ride back to the bunker, I was scared that sam was there but I kinda have a plan. So I picked him up and snuck him inside and laid him on the guest room bed. As I walked out of the room sam spotted me, "Oh hey dean, why were you coming out of the guest room." "uh no reason anyway wanna get something to eat?" I said nervously. The thing is that cas doesn't know that me and sam made up over the few years cas was the coma..but I told sam that me and cas broke up and that I'm not was all just a thing to see how I felt about it. But it was a still dating cas and I'm madly in love with him. I have no idea what to do.

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