Chapter 4

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Raven POV:

I am sitting here on my bed trying to meditate to either forget everything that happened last night and this morning...or to remember it all in great detail, I haven't decided yet. When suddenly, I can sense a presence outside my door. I walk over slowly and press my ear against it. There is no sound, they must have gone. I decide to open my door anyways, just to see.


The door opens to reveal Garfield half turned towards the door and getting ready to run away. Upon seeing me, however, he looks scared for a moment and then determined. I don't quite know what to make of it. I am wary of seeing him knowing all that I do, but I am thankful that he is clueless about what transpired between us. Especially since my meditation helped me to remember a few rather...embarrassing things I said last night. Namely, me telling him just how "mush" I love him before describing all the things I wanted him to do to me...Then I ran away from him this morning because I wasn't ready to face him. Maybe I should apologize for that...Nah.

I try to appear calm and collected as I address him, "H-hello Beast Boy. Wh-What are you doing here? Isn't it a little early for you to be bothering me?"

He just looked at me with this strange gaze. It was like he was trying to see into my soul, almost like-no. It-it was almost like he was trying to figure out how much I knew.

But if he doesn't know, then how would he know that I know? Wait what? I'm confusing myself now imagining these things. No, he doesn't know. That's that.

"Raven, you remember what happened last night, don't you?" He inquires semi-timidly

Oh. No.

"Of course I do, I wasn't a drunken idiot like you all were." I say forcefully. Wow, I didn't think I'd be this bad at lying, it's in my demonic nature after all..

He stares at me for a moment confused, then he begins to look angry and opens his mouth to likely yell at me before he closes his mouth and slowly smiles instead. This all takes place in seconds and it is extremely unnerving. Oh Azar what did he know, what did he know?!

"Oh dear sweet Raven, do you remember what Robin was telling us last week, during that crazy rant about Slade?" He asks still smiling knowingly entirely unsure where this was going now. Though I feel a little surge of butterflies when he calls me "dear" and "sweet". But seriously what is he talking about?

"No, Beast Boy. You know we never pay attention to Robin when he's in that state. Why do you ask?" I say curiously still questioning of his sanity. Maybe hangovers affected him differently because of his DNA?

"Well, I distinctly remember him telling us all about these great new security features that he added to the Tower. ONE of which...are cameras. And boy, did I see the most interesting thing on the security feeds this morning." His grin was now reaching grinch-like proportions.

Ohhh, now I see where this is going. Damn, I wish I'd thought of cameras sooner!

"...Oh. So, what exactly did you see?" I ask my heart leaping out of my chest at this point.

"Well, if I recall, you were singing one of Starfire's pop songs and slithering around on the floor yelling that you could do the worm, and that was just the first five minutes." He says chuckling.

"WHAT?!" I did not remember any of that!

"Relax Rae, I'm just teasing. But, uh, since you lied about being drunk and all...I'm guessing you know uh, ya know...last night?" He squeaks out all his former confidence gone.

"Wow, could you be any more vague?" I can't believe that I still have the audacity to taunt him at a time like this. What's wrong with me?

"Jesus Raven! I'm talking about the fact that we fucking SLEPT TOGETHER, OKAY?!" He shouts looking angry now.

...Well, at least I know he knows now. I certainly wasn't expecting him to be so...blunt.

"H-how-" I begin

"We were both really drunk, I whispered something to you and then you kissed me, the rest is history. It was all on the tapes." He says

"It was ALL on the tapes?! AND YOU WATCHED IT?!" I am screaming now and I know it.

"Wha-NO! Nonono! The camera is only in the hallway, it only showed us kissing, well, making out. But that's all I swear! I didn't see anything Raven, promise." He says looking at the floor now, clearly ashamed with the way he handled things.

I lift a hand to my temples and rub there for a moment, all this drama is certainly not helping my hangover. I look up at him and he struggles to meet my eyes. They look so tortured. He obviously feels really bad for sleeping with me like he did. Azar, why does he have to be so sweet? Why can't I just hate him? Things would be so easy...

"I'm so sorry, Rae. It wasn't supposed to happen like that." He mutters the last bit to himself but I hear it.

"Wh-what?! What do you mean it wasn't supposed to that? Don't you mean it wasn't supposed to happen at all?" I inquire

Suddenly he blushes really bright red. "N-no. I meant what I said. I...well I had hoped..hoped that...heh sorry it's just...I'm no good at this stuff. Look Rae, I meant that...IhopedthatsomedaywewouldbetogetherandyouwouldbemyfirsttimeandIwoulddoeverythingrightwithcandlesandrosesonthebedandthenI'dtellyouIlovedyouandmaybejustmaybeyouwouldsaythesameandthenwe'dlivehappilyeverafterpleasedon'thurtme!" he says this all so fast I have no time to process any of it.

"Um...what?" I state

"I, uh, I said, I hoped that someday we would be together and you would be my first time and I would do everything right. With candles and roses on the bed I'd tell you I loved you and maybe...just'd tell me too." he finishes his speech and looks into my eyes properly this time. I can't tell him, I shouldn't. I can't, I can't, I..'m going to.

"Garfield! okay this is harder than I thought it'd be. Remind me later to apologize for thinking you were stupid the way you were stuttering a few seconds ago but you too, Gar."

We stare at each other for a few minutes before we both slowly get grins on our faces.

"That's great!" he says finally

"Yep." I reply




"Ugh just shut up Beast Boy, you idiot!" I say frustrated with him now as we draw closer.

"Hey! That's what you said last nigh-!" At this point I cut him off with my lips.

This idiot really talks too much. But he's my idiot now.

...Oh Azar.

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