Chapter 2 - The Crime Scene and Sir White's Location

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I don't own black butler or creepy pasta. Or the pic.


Ciel's POV:

In the carriage, on the way to the crime scene while the others chatted, I kept thinking of how the way they found the bodies seemed familiar to me. The strange part about it was the bloody and broken china doll. So familiar, yet so strange. Like I've seen the dolls before. Oh well, no use trying to remember while I have a case to solve.

"Ciel, how are we going to get to look at the crime scene? I doubt they would let a child look at a dead body and blood." Lau said to me, from across the seat.

*sigh* "If they don't, we'll just have to go there." I replied with a slight shiver.

*gasp* "My Lord, you don't mean...?!" He choked out, while opening his eyes slightly in a serious yet interested way.

"Ciel, dear, are you sure? You know how he can be!" exclaimed Madam Red, with a hand covering her mouth.

"Who are you talking about?!" Asked/yelled Alois, who we've kind of ignored the whole ride.

I smirked, "Just a friend. Nothing a child, like you, needs to worry about." I replied while waving my hand at him in a dismissive way.

He just pouted, like a kid, and proved my point. I rested my chin against the palm of my hand, as I stared at the buildings going by outside the carriage window. Then I heard 'whispering' from the seat across from me:

"He just called him a friend?! Is he sick?" 'whispered' Madam Red to Lau, sounding 'surprised'.

"I know! There has to be something wrong with him!" Lau 'whispered' back to the Madam, then said in a amused tone, "Or maybe he finally hit puberty, and is having certain urges?"

"SHUT UP!" I yelled at them, having had enough. With a light blush on my face, I glared at them. They just smiled sheepishly, while Alois was just laughing so hysterically he turned blue!

"Annoying brats!" I growled under my breath.

Suddenly, the carriage stopped. I looked out the window to see the police at the entrance of an alleyway, along with a group of citizens, where there seemed to be a crime scene. But it wasn't the one we were headed to.

"Sebastian! What's going on?" I asked him, as he and Claude helped us out of the carriage.

"It seems there was another murder last night, possibly around midnight, the same time as the other one." he explained as he surveyed the area, possibly looking for something or someone out of place. "But it appears that they just found the body this morning."

"Right, let's go see." I said as I started walking torwards an officer, who I recognized as Fred Abberline from Scotland Yard. "Tell me, what is going on here?" I demanded from him as I stopped in front of him.

"Oh Ciel, what are you doing here?" he asked, then continued, wiping sweat from his brow, "It appears that the 'Bloody Doll' struck twice, in one night! That's never happened before. People are getting even more scared that they will be next!"

"I see." I sighed, then realized something, "You know, the Doll only kills at midnight. Approxmately, what time did the victim die?" I asked.

"Oh! Your right! Well, we're pretty sure it was around 5 A.M." He said sheepishly, then sighed, "Also, there wasn't a china doll by the body. And... there was no reports of strange singing, around the time."

"Of course. It's obvious that the 'Bloody Doll' didn't do this." I stated. Then I 'casually' asked, "Anything else you want to add to that." smirking slightly. Beside me, Sebastian also caught on to what I was doing and smiled as well.

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