❝ request here ❞

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♡ | FORM | ♡

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♡ | FORM | ♡


title: (title of your story, duh)

subtitle: (if you have one)

simple or manip: (you can decide with the examples above)

name of author: (your username/preferred name)

genre of story: (horror, teen fic, paranormal, etc)

color: (do you want it in black and white or colors?)

face model: (the person you want on the cover. if you have none, make sure to include more ideas)

ideas: (what would you like on the cover? do not be too vague or too specific, this determines 60% of the cover)

extras: (anything else?)

- request in one big, fat comment -

only complete the payment once I reply with 'accepted.' this is for your own benefit ;)

I will make 1-2 covers for you based on my inspiration.

if I ever decline your request, it either means that you requested when I was closed or because you haven't filled the form out correctly/didn't follow the rules. please don't get offended if I reject your request.

 please don't get offended if I reject your request

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happy requesting c:

coverland | closed |Where stories live. Discover now