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Hey gruhmpy ! (Awesome username btw) here's your covers:

Hey gruhmpy ! (Awesome username btw) here's your covers:

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I did those on my phone since photoshop isn't here when I need it right now

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I did those on my phone since photoshop isn't here when I need it right now. Still hope you like!

I bet most of my older requesters are thinking: oh em gee max y did you make dis bitch two covers and make me oneee you liek her way more ughughsijsoshall

^^ you are NOT a bitch, I'm just over exaggerating things to make a point lol

NO GUYS its just because I'm sitting in a coffee shop and acting not lazy for the first time. Plus she wanted it simple and that takes less time than a manip.

Anyways, enough of that. I am one chapter away from 100 chapters. That has to be a good omen cuz merry Christmas to all of you <3 I'm so close to 12k reads and 2k votes and (I know this sounds cliche) but I couldn't have done it without you, obviously.

Yes, okay there were those pissy moments were people requested in the opposite manner I told them to but that's okay. It wouldn't be a normal cover shop without these people too.

Anyway, merry christmas to all of you x

Enjoy your school breaks while you can.

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