joshler heathens oneshot |-/

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I sat up, jolting and screaming out. Orange was the only thing I saw for the first few blinks of my eyes, than finally I just saw the dark cell outline. I scrunched my nose and sniffed in, trying to control my breathing.

I looked to the upper left corner of the cell, seeing the familiar black smoke of nothingness that usually claimed my room. It swirled around and down the wall and puffed up when it hit the ground and I crouched by it touching it with the tips of my fingers. It stung and tingled and eventually it cuffed my ankles, grabbing me and pulling me to the floor.

I lay, staring back up to the cement roof. The smoke crept up my orange jumpsuit and made its way to my head, pouring into my ears and making me scream in pain.

By now, I wasn't sure if I was actually screaming or it was all in my head, but to me It was familiar. The burning of my brain and the scalding feeling of my shrouded thoughts. My fingers clenched, the muscles working rough and jagged was I squirmed, my back arching.

Then, like someone had snapped their fingers and made everything disappear and go back to normal. I was laying on the floor trembling as the glow of orange filled the room, the bars keeping me in creating shadows along the far side.

I pushed myself up quickly and tried to slide through the tight poles, but not being able to. I heard the drums from around the hall and I strained to see farther.

I cried out, feeling the cuffs on my legs sting and coax me back, but the orange glow was too strong and almost angelic.

He rode past slowly and looked at me, the drums continuing as he stepped off of the set, grabbing my hand that was reaching out to him. It warmed my cold, pale hand all the way up to my shoulder, tingling with safety and comfort.

"Tell me your name." He smiled and the rest of my was placed gently in front of a fireplace, with the wafting smell of hot chocolate and home making my veins pump faster.

"Tyler." I said, my soft voice sounding pathetic and small compared to how he made me feel.

The darkness tugged again harder and I whimpered, crying out and grabbing onto his hand harder.

"Help me..." I whispered and kicking back the chains. My face was pathetically pressed against the bars and I watched his soft facial features turn sorrowful. He let go of my hands and I sobbed and cried, pleading and watching as he stepped back on his drums and continued on his way down.

My whole world spun on a glitching record and static filled my vision, high rings filled my  head.

I screamed, scratching my head off until the sound of clanking bars opening punched me in the face. I opened my eyes and everything was back to normal. It was quiet.

"Tyler come on." The guard pushed me off the ground and I stumbled. The walls were back to being plain gray and as I stepped out of the cell, I flinched and stumbled. The small hallway closing in on me.

I ran and turned down another hallway, but it was just closing even faster. At the end, a small orange glow tinted the place and I started. I smiled and sprinted until I hit my head on one of the walls and woke up sitting at a table. Food on a metal tray was placed in front of me.

I stared blankly and the guard urged me to eat, telling me I had just another 7 minutes before we had to go back.

I didn't eat.

"HELP ME PLEASE!!" I screamed once again. He intertwined our fingers and I smiled and sobbed out. "please...." I helplessly said for the thousandth time. 

"Can you tell me your name?" I winced at the sharp nip of the chains trying to pull me back.

"Josh..." He smiled, his teeth something I haven't noticed in such detail before. His lips, so full and beautiful.

He let go on one of my hands and I flinched and looked into his eyes searching for and explanation. He shushed me gently, a calm wave washed over me with relief heavily riding it.

He took a thumb and smeared it over my bottom lip, this time him admiring me. Butterflies erupted in my stomach, making the darkness shrink back a tad.

He cupped my face, his thumb still tracing my lips. I put my free hand over his and squeezed his grip, smiling for the first time in a long time.

"Josh...." I whispered and looked into his mocha eyes. "Josh." I loved the feeling of it on my tongue and how it filled a space in my scarred heart.

I shouted as the chains finally drew back all their strength and tugged, making me trip and struggle for Josh, who looked surprised and angry. His eyebrows furrowed and beautiful lips pointed down. He shone a brighter orange and the drums sped up and he pulled me towards him, planting a kiss on my lips. 

I fully realized how cold they were when he warmed them back up. He grabbed my chin, deepening it and I felt my body become transparent and bubbly. A warm tingling sensation. 

My arms were ghosting though the chains and bars as we kissed deeper, his tongue sliding across my lips. My figure was turning from black gray to bright orange. I put my arms around Josh's neck and finally felt the feeling of being wanted. Being loved.

I could feel the dark chains reject me and shrivel away. A shadow of myself still on the side of the bars in the cell fell and exploded into black mist that dispersed into the tiny cracks of the floor.

"Josh I-" I sobbed and kissed him again, smiling, eyes shining and warm.

"Tyler." His deeper voice resonated in his throat and he hugged me closer to his form, running a hand over the back of my head and down my neck.

"The dark's not taking prisoners tonight."

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