Chapter 3:She's Mine

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Kuki: Later mom!

*Kuki closes the door and is welcomed by Wallbee's  presence*

Wallabee: Hey!

Kuki: Hey Wally,three weeks of highschool already can you believe it?

Wallabee: Yea,time goes by fast.

*The bus drives over to Kuki's house*

Bus driver: Get in!

*Kuki and Wallabee step into the bus and see Brice waving his hands all the way in the back of the bus*

Brice:Guys!Over here!

Kuki: Come on Wally.

*Kuki and Wallabee sit down next to Brice*

Brice:Three weeks of highschool,sooner or later it'll be graduation!

Kuki: *She laughs*That's true!Then we'll be of to college.

*The bus arrives at the school*

Bus driver:Get out of my bus!

*Kuki,Wallabee,and Brice hurry out of the bus*

Brice:Hey Wally,I need to talk to you in the bathroom.

Wallabee: Um,alright?

Brice:Hey Kuki,me and Wally have to go to the bathroom.

Kuki: Okay,I'll be waiting by my locker!

*Brice hurries Wallabee in to the school and in to the bathroom*

Brice:Hey Wally,do me a favor and back off!

Wallabee: What?

Brice:Don't play stupid with me,we all know Kuki has a crush on me.

Brice:And Wally,your just a third wheel.

Wallabee: She doesn't like you!

*Brice pushes Wallabee*

Brice:Back off!She's mine,not yours.

Brice:So you just have to leave her side.

Wallabee: No!I'm not leaving her side,and I even promised her I wouldn't leave her.

Brice:Well then,put the silly promise behind you.

Brice:You just have to go 'bye bye' out of her life.

Brice:And if you dare try to mess with her or show any endearment towards her,I will hurt you.

Wallabee: I can't leave her side!

*Brice pins Wallabee up on the wall*

Brice:This means you don't talk to her or show any adoration towards her.

Wallabee: Brice please,let me down.

*Brice lets go of Wallabee*

Brice:Now excuse me why I'll steal your girl.

*Brice leaves the bathroom and then a bathroom stall flies open*

Nigel:What are you doing?Go after him!

Wallabee: Nigel?!Where'd you come from?

Nigel:Don't worry bout' me,worry about Kuki!She's about to get swiped off her feet!

Wallabee: I don't have to worry,she doesn't have a crush on him.

Nigel:But what if she lied?When she tell you that?

Wallabee: When we first met Brice.

Nigel:You see!That was three weeks ago!

Nigel:You better go after him!

Wallabee: Your right!

*Wallabee opens the bathroom door and goes to the lockers*

*He looks around the corner and spots Kuki and Brice*

Brice:Do you want to be my girlfriend?

Kuki: I'm sorry Brice but no.I don't like you.

Brice:What?!You have to like me!

Brice:You must date me!I have to make Wallabee and Chaunci jealous!

Kuki: You want to date because of that!No way!

*Brice grabs Kuki's hair and pulls it*

Kuki: Ow!Brice what are you doing?!

Brice:You are going to date me!Whether you like it or not!

Kuki: No,no,and no!

Brice:If you don't date me I will hurt you Kuki!

Wallabee: I can't let this happen!

*When Wallabee tries saving the day his shirt gets tugged back*

Wallabee: What the?

Abigail:Ssh,let it happen Wally.

Wallabee: What on earth do you mean let it happen?She is basically being abused!

Brice:Kuki you are my girlfriend.

Kuki: Brice no I'm not!

*Brice slaps Kuki in the face*

Kuki: *starting to tear up* Ouch!Why are you doing this to me!

Brice:You are not allowed to talk to your stupid friend Wally.

Brice:You may not speak to him or show any love towards him.If you do,I will hurt you Kuki.

Wallabee: Abigail I can't let this happen!

Brice:My class is starting,bye.

*Brice leaves Kuki all alone by the lockers*

*Kuki falls to the ground and starts to cry*

Kuki: What have I gotten myself in to?


*Wallabee walks over to Kuki and starts rubbing her back*

Wallabee: What's wrong?

Kuki: Get away!Get away from me!

Wallabee: Kuki,let me help you!

*Kuki pushed Wallabee away from her*

Kuki: We're not friends anymore.

Kuki: Just stay away from me.Alright?

Wallabee: I'm not letting Brice be the end of our friendship Kuki!

Kuki: Don't talk to me,don't wait for me,and don't sit next to me on the bus.

Kuki: Brice is my only friend.

Wallabee: Kuki,what are you doing?

Wallabee: Letting him control you?That's ridiculous.

* Kuki falls into Wallabee's arms*

Kuki: Help me Wally,help me from the monster.

Wallabee: You weren't letting me help you.But I'll do anything for you Kuki.

Kuki: Really?Are you lying to me?

Wallabee: I would never lie to you Kuki.

Kuki: Can we ditch school?

Wallabee: Whatever makes you happy.

*Kuki gives Wallabee a hug*

Kuki: Your my best friend.Don't ever leave me Wally.

Wallabee: I would never leave you.

*Wallabee helps Kuki up off the floor and then they walk outside the school*

Wallabee: Do you want to go to my house?

Kuki: Sure.

Just Friends ( A Kuki Sanban and Wallabee Beatles fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now