If you ever...

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Its okay to be scared. Its what makes up human.
Its okay to feel sad. It is what keeps us alive.
But never let it control you
Never let it take over
You are stronger than it
You are a warrior.

If you ever need help
Reach out
I'll be there to help
I'll reach out and grasp your hand
Pull you out of the darkness
I'll pull you up from what's controlling you

If you just need to cry
I'll always be there
To be the shoulder

To talk
I'll be the listening ear
I'll tell you everything will be alright

If you ever need a hug
I'll be the bear
To engulf you in love
And kind words

If you ever want to escape your thoughts
I'll distract you
I'll make sure you're her alone

If you ever just want silence
I'll be the quietist
I'll engulf you in love
And show you a kind smile

You are never alone
I will make sure of it
You should never walk alone
Or carry your own battles by yourself
Even if you're the strongest warrior
I will always help protect you

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