Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Alayna's *p.o.v*

"ALLLAAAYYYYNNNAAAAA!!! ALAYNA ALAYNA ALAYNA!! Hurry up your going to be late! School starts in half an hour so get up!" I hear my sister banging on my door.

"Crap" I mutter to myself as I get up and run to my bathroom.

I look in the mirror and just see a blurry blob. I feel around the sink until I find my glasses. When I put them on I look in the mirror again and now I can see myself clearly.

As usual, I wash my face, put my contacts in and start my make up. I apply some foundation, eyeshadow, and some mascara and decide that it's good enough. I put away everything and run back into my bedroom. I take off my pyjamas and throw them onto the floor. I open up a drawer and grab a red lacy bra and matching underwear. I open my closet and take out a Hollister shirt. It's plain white with long sleeves. I also grab a white tank top and put it on under my shirt. I grab a pair of Hollister pants and throw them on to. I run downstairs and see my mom and sister.

My sister's name is Milan. She is 2 years older than me and out of school. She has blond hair and blue eyes. My mom's name is Holly. She also has blond hair and blue eyes. I on the other hand take after my dad. I have brown eyes and brown wavy hair.

"Hurry up Alayna your going to be late for school! Eat breakfast fast and then brush your teeth." My mom says

"I know mom!"

Today is my first day of grade 11. Also the first year I won't have my sister in school with me. It's going to be weird but I think I am going to enjoy it.

I quickly eat my bowl of cereal and then run into the bathroom.

"5 minutes left!" I hear my mom yell.

I grab my tooth brush and the toothpaste and start brushing my teeth. Once I'm done I run back upstairs, grab my bag and my phone and then run back downstairs.

"Bye mom see you at lunch." I tell my mom.

"Okay by sweetie have fun" I hear my mom call out right before I close the door.

As I walk to school all I can hear is the sound of big machines and workers yelling to the other workers. On my street they are putting up a lot of new houses and the workers are exceptionally noisy.

So decide to listen to some music. I take out my phone and headphones and start listening to the song timber by Kesha and Pitbull. I take my schedule out of my bag and look at it. I have Cosmetology, Art, Math, and English for my first semester.

About 20 minutes later I arrive at school. I see a lot of familiar faces and some not so familiar faces. I open up the front doors and walk in. I put away my headphones and put my phone in my pocket then I check my schedule again and see that I have Cosmetology first. Room 118. I start walking up some stairs and go through another door, I turn and see a lot of grade 9's. They're running around franticly trying to get to class.

I push past kid after kid until I finally see room 118. I walk in and see a lot of manikin heads. I look to my left and see about 9 girls and a short teacher. I walk in and take a seat at the back of the class. It is 8:58 right now and class starts at 9 so I take out my phone and see that I have a text from my mom, sister, and dad. I open up my mom's text first and it reads:

'Hey love. Walk safe and I hope you have a good day! :)~Mom'

I open up Milan's text and it says.

'Haha sucker you have to go to school. Sucks to be you~Milan'

I roll my eyes at her and then open up my dads text.

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