Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Ben's *p.o.v*

'Hi Ben it's Alayna.-A

I look at the text and smile. I didn't really think she would text me. But she did!

'Hey beautiful. Whatcha doing?;)-B

Alayna's *p.o.v*

'Hi Ben it's Alayna-A'

I set my phone down onto my stomach and just close my eyes for a few seconds. I feel my phone start to vibrate and that when I think of Amanda. Crap she told me to text her.

I quickly look at Ben's text and smile because he called me beautiful but go straight to Amanda's contact. I click on her and start texting her.

'Hey Amanda, it's Alayna. Sorry I didn't text you earlier but I went out for super.-A'

'Hey! No prob! What are you doing now?-Am'

"I'm just lying on my bed. What about you?-A'

'Im at a party wanna come!?-Am'

I read the text over and over again. Do I want to go to a party? My mom will probably say no.

'Would love to but my mom would say no...-A'

'Then just sneak out.-Am'

'Amanda if my mom ever found out that I snuck out to go to a party I would be dead!-A'

'Okay, is she sleeping right now?-Am'

'Shes getting ready for bed... Why?-A'

'Okay we'll when she's sleeping tell me and I will come and get you! Where do you live?-Am'

Do I really want to do this? No.. But I just became friends with her. I don't want her to stop hanging out with me just because I'm too scared of being caught if I go to a party.


I tell her where I live and I start getting ready. I look in my closet and look at my dresses. I pick out a black one with white on the top. In the middle and top part it has clear fabric. It's really pretty. I slip it on and find some shoes to match. I take out some black high heels and put on a gold V ring. I then find a black and gold hand bag to tie it all together.

I sit on my bed and wait for Amanda to come and pick me up. I pick up my phone and remember that Ben texted me.

'Hey beautiful. Whatcha doing?;)-B

'Getting ready to go to a party.-A'

'Oh really! I wouldn't think that your a party girl.-B'

'Well I'm not really but my friend is making me go.-A'

'Oh. Well who's party?-B'

'Not sure yet?-A'

'Oh okay well have fun.-B'

I slip my phone into my bag when I hear a car pull into my driveway. I quickly grab lipgloss and my black jacket and sneak out of my room. When I get down the stairs I take off my shoes and walk bare foot on the tile. I open up the door quietly and get out successfully. I slip on my black jacket and shoes and walk to the car. I see that there are two guys in the front seats so I walk to the side and open it up. I see Amanda staring at me. I hop in and close the door.

"What?" I ask.

"You look so pretty!" She says looking at me.

"Aw thanks! So do you."

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