Interview 6/7/16

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Hey this is Mari with Royce News brining you another interview. Todays interview will be with @forevermindless247 .

Me-Hi this is Mari may I interview you for Royce News?

@forevermindless247 -yeah, sure

Me-So what inspired you to write Hamartia?

@forevermindless247 -I would have to say the movie/book The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. At one point in the movie/book Hazel Grace turns to Augustus Waters and says "there is always a hamartia" she goes on and explains that the word means "a tragic flaw". I liked the word and the meaning behind it, so I began to work out a plot and characters that really fit around the word and what it meant

Me-Ok well you have a character list , how did you pick the characters not including the Chres and Jake?

@forevermindless247 -Well I knew I wanted Rayan and Elijah to be Chresanto's friends, so it was pretty easy choosing them. I chose Zendaya to play Alex because I was looking for someone who was feisty yet pretty laid back, and I felt like Zendaya really portrayed that. I didn't really want to add Diggy Simmons as a character but I couldn't think of anyone else to add in, so I just went with him in the end. I liked Ciara Bravo's character in the canceled show called Red Band Society, her character in the show was exactly how I wanted Finley to act, so I chose her for Finley. I chose J Cole to be a character because I needed Jacob to have someone who was like a father figure to him and the first person who came to my mind was J Cole

Me-Ok well hamartia is a completed book, do you plan on a sequel?

@forevermindless247 -In the beginning I was thinking about one, but eventually I decided that no, there won't be a sequel.

Me-Awww well ok how did the book affect you. if it did ,like views ,votes, likes and hates

@forevermindless247 -The book actually affected me in a positive way. Hamartia, out of all of the books I've written, has gotten the most reads, votes, and comments. In the beginning when I first began writing the book I had no idea that it was going to do so well. I remember watching the amount of reads continue to climb and one of my goals has always been to get one of my books over one hundred thousand reads, and it finally happened with Hamartia. Also is was pretty nice to be nominated for a Royce award and winning one, I didn't even ask any of my readers to vote for the book, they did it on their own and I really appreciate the fact that they did that, even if it was only person who voted over and over again. They enjoyed the book so much they voted for it, and I enjoyed the idea of the book so much that I wrote it.

Me-Ok well any words for your readers??

@forevermindless247 -Yeah, of course, I want to say thank you so, so much for reading my books! I'm just a teenage girl who likes to write fan fiction in her free time, and I'm really happy that I have people who take the time to read what I write and enjoy it as well. I appreciate you all voting and commenting because it encourages me to write more books, and it makes me feel good about myself and my writing. So again, thank you so much.

Me-Ok thank you this is Mari with Royce News tell your friends and readers

@forevermindless247 -You're welcome, thanks for deciding to interview me

Me-No problem

There you have it if yo have any questions feel free to ask this is Mari with Royce News. Will you be next? *points*


hey peeps its Mari asking all of my August Alsina fans to check out my new book Change thanks luvs


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