Chapter - 6

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Why can't you tell your dad about it?" The little boy asked looking over at the little girl.

"Because Daddy's a meanie and doesn't care about me." the little girl huffed crossing her arms. She remembered a time when he wasn't cruel to her. Or to anyone. That was when her mother was alive. When, was the key word there.

"I'm sure he does." the little boy said putting his arm around the little girl, trying to comfort her. He didn't realize what he was doing then, but the servant did. He just decided not to say anything.

"He doesn't. He doesn't care about anything especially 'peasants'." The girl said making bunny ears at the word peasants. She hated her father so much..


"Bock bock, bocka!" Natsu screeched on the stage and had his hands in the form to make it look like wings as he flapped his arms. Lucy and her friends (but especially Lucy) started laughing their heads off at Natsu. Even the hypnotist could barely hold in his own laughter.

"Alright, go back to how you were." The hypnotist said and snapped his fingers. Natsu stood normally and blinked, looking around as if he was confused.

"I told you, you couldn't hypnotize me." Natsu said cockily with his head up high "You can only hypnotize weak-minded people."

The audience burst into laughter, confusing Natsu. He tilted his head sideways to the crowd as he walked back to his seat beside Lucy.

"Why are they all laughing?" Natsu asked Lucy, who was still laughing. She almost fell forward onto the floor from laughter if Natsu didn't catch her arm.

"Th-anks." Lucy said in between laughter. Natsu frowned. He had no idea why these people were laughing. Was it an inside joke that everybody here know except for him? Well, it didn't really want to be here right now anyways. This place was usually for dorks and such, but Lucy was here. Lucy hadn't been talking to him very much lately, but here she was, talking to him normally.

He figured he was one step closer to completing the bet now.

"You, Natsu's girlfriend." The hypnotist said as he pointed to Lucy, obviously trying to hold back his laughter as well. "Why don't you come up here and see if you're any better then your boyfriend?"

"I-I'm not his girlfr-" Lucy started, her laughter immediately stopping, but Natsu cut her off.

"Yeah Luce, go on." Natsu said pushing her up from her seat and she started to head towards the hypnotist. Natsu had deliberately cut her off before she said that she wasn't his girlfriend. Sure, Natsu wasn't really looking for a girlfriend at the moment, but Lucy didn't seem like the type of girl who would just sleep with a friend. He would most likely become her boyfriend until he was about to sleep with her then break up with her afterwards. If he was being honest, yeah he would like to be friends with her after all of this because he didn't have many friends at school. But he seriously doubted it. Besides, she was just a toy at the moment so he could win the bet. Even after he told himself that it felt like he was lying.

"Alright, so why don't you tell me about yourself?" the hypnotist asked Lucy who was now standing on the stage. Natsu couldn't help but notice that the hypnotist's eyes kept falling onto Lucy's breasts. Natsu was just about ready to punch the guy. Sure, Lucy's breasts were big so it was hard not to look at them but it still made Natsu mad. He didn't know why though. Yeah, he respected a woman's body, if she said no then it was no but he couldn't help himself if he happened to think things. Or look at certain things. It was just...nature. But the man just made him so mad.

And for once in his life, he didn't have an explanation for it.

"My name is Lucy, and..well I go to Magnolia U." Lucy said confidently, she had much more confidence here then at school Natsu noticed. He wondered if it was because her friends were here. That they gave her more confidence. It was definitely a possibility.

"Hm, what about Natsu? How long have you two been dating?" He asked slyly. Natsu smirked in his direction. Lucy, on the other hand, went beet red.

"I-we...We're not dating." Lucy said stumbling on her words.

"Ah so you've been friend zoned Natsu?" The hypnotist asked looking over in Natsu's direction.

"Yeah! And it sucks!" Natsu complained, which got him a few giggles and a glare from Lucy and Gray. Natsu shrugged as if to say 'What?'

"So, let's get this on with eh?" the hypnotist said and pulled out a pocket watch dangling it in front of Lucy's eyes "You are watching the time spin, you are feeling weird. You are getting sleepy.."

(I've never actually been to a hypnotist before so pretend it's right.)

Natsu watched as Lucy started to close her eyes, her body completely still though.

"When I snap my fing-" the hypnotist started but was cut off by the doors bursting open.

"PUT YOUR HANDS UP!" one of the people yell, Natsu turned around to see a dozen police in uniforms, all armed and pointing their guns at the hypnotist. He glanced at the hypnotist, hoping it was a mistake. Obviously it wasn't because he now had a gun to Lucy's sleeping body.

"I'm taking this girl hostage!" the hypnotist yelled pulling Lucy closer to him, the gun pointed at her head.

"Drop the weapon!" the cop yelled, obviously the hypnotist did no such thing.

"Put your weapons down or I shoot!" The hypnotist threatened, his finger on the trigger. Natsu, along with the rest of Lucy's friends, stood up. Natsu could feel rage boiling in his stomach, but before he could something. The red headed one, Erza, was already up on the stage. The hypnotist didn't even have time to blink before Erza punched him in the throat, then took the gun out of his hand. The hypnotist started gasping for air, Erza took the opportunity and kicked him in the stomach, he fell down.

"Uh...thank you." One of the cops said as he came down to cuff the man.

"I did karate." Erza said boldly, it almost looked like she had some stars around her. Natsu was sure he was hallucinating though.

He ran over to Lucy's side, faster then her other friends, Erza was talking to one of the cops. He placed her head on his lap and started shaking his hand in front of her face.

"Luce...Luce you okay?" he asked, but there was no sign of movement. She was still under the hypnotist's spell. Hypnotist...what do they do to snap people out of something?

Snap! That's it!

"I command you to wake up when I snap." Natsu said, trying to mimic the hypnotist's voice (he failed), the snapped in front of her face. Her eyes flew open instantly.

"What..what happened?" Lucy said looking to her left to see the hypnotist in cuffs, then she looked to her right to see Natsu's stomach. Her face turned red, once again, and she sat up right immediately.

"Well the crazy hypnotist tried to take you as a hostage but Erza punched him out and.." Natsu continued and smirked at her flushed face "We got together."

"Idiot.." Lucy mumbled and punched him in the arm.

"Hey Luce..are we friends?" Natsu asked -ignoring the stinging in his arm geez that girl could punch- the question had been aching at him for so long now.

"Yeah...I suppose so." Lucy said quietly, she didn't sound sure of herself, but Natsu took it anyway.

The thing that really bugged him was that he was so worried for Lucy's safety. It's been a while since he worried like that, actually he couldn't remember a time when he worried like that...but he had a gut feeling he had worried like that before. Natsu was supposed to be...selfish. That's what he was known for. Only caring or himself.

But this time, he wasn't.

And it confused him.

OOOOOOOOOOOOH. I...I don't have much to say here actually. I felt like I did, but I don't.

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