Hello, child.
Huh? Who are you?
Thats unimportant. What is important is who you are. Do you know who you are?
Sure I do my name i-
Thats not what I mean, little one. Who are you really? Who are you on the inside?
What do you stand for? What are you passionate about? What is your greatest wishes and desires? These things build you personality. They create you identity.
So child, do you know the answers?
Then you must find yourself. Focus on the things you find to be emotionally valuable to you. Work on your goals and ideals. Get to know yourself and then come back here if you haven't forgotten me by then.
But what if I never learn who I am?
You will learn someday. It may be in a couple minutes or it may be in your final moments. I know thats depressing, but my dear life isnt a happy thing. Its merely an empty soon forgotten existence. Unless you change a peice of humanity in a great way it will be inevitable that you will be lost to history. Finding yourself could be what leads you to making that change though. It could be what makes you remembered.