Chapter One

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"You know what Scott, maybe it wasn't his fault! Maybe you're just trying to pin the blame on someone else because you can't control the pack." Stiles hissed into his phone. He was fine listening to Scott drone on about training and how the pack wouldn't stop slacking off and brought Derek into the conversation, talking about how the man wasn't a better alpha than him and how if Derek hasn't left then things would've been better. The more Scott mouthed off, the angrier Stiles became until they were in their current position. Stiles couldn't take the yammering and hung up on Scott before kicking his desk chair until he hurt his foot and grumbled, sitting on his bed.

He looked towards his window and found himself missing the days when Derek would come through his window and would tell him about the dangers beforehand or to come check on him after a fight. But when Derek left, Stiles locked the window and never opened it again unless it was his sourwolf. Sourwolf. Stiles found himself chuckling at the old nickname and before he knew it he was grabbing his keys to Roscoe and running to his beloved blue jeep. Damn Scott and his True Alpha feelings, Damn what anyone in the pack would say to him. He wasn't going to turn his back on Derek. He wasn't going to leave his sourwolf packless.

In twenty minutes Stiles was in front of the only thing keeping him from Derek and this time he wasn't going to turn and leave. Stiles raised a fist and banged it repeatedly against the door once, twice and even three times before it began to slide open and reveal a shaky, weak Derek Hale. Stiles felt his jaw drop at how afraid and frail the man looked and before he could stop himself, he took Derek in his arms and held him tight as he could. Derek was taken back before he raised his weak arms and wrapped them around Stiles.

"Stiles..." Derek started to say or croak but Stiles just shushed him and led Derek back into the loft. "Stiles, what are you doing here?" Derek rasped out and Stiles ignored the question to get Derek some water and holding it out to the weak man. Derek took the glass with Stiles' help and was soon downing another glass. Derek pulled Stiles back down on the couch next to him when the young man tried to get up for another thing and Stiles' breath hitched when he felt Derek hold his hand tight. He looked into the man's eyes and found that they were full of sincerity and a little light. "Thank you Stiles but seriously, what are you doing here?"

Stiles sighed and didn't break eye contact even when Derek's hand went from his wrist up to his hand and held it. No words were spoken between the pair as they leaned in, eyes closing softly as their lips met in the middle. Stiles took a sharp intake of breath before he relaxed and brought his free hand up and placed it on the side of Derek's neck, sliding it to the back of his neck and grips the hairs back there. Derek let's out a soft moan and pulls back softly, pressing his forehead to Stiles who was catching his breath. Dim green eyes looked into hazel doe eyes before Stiles grabbed Derek by the shirt and pulled him down on him, crashing his lips back to Derek's who accepted and let a small smile crack on his lips. A little while after the whole making out, Stiles and Derek were laying in Derek's bed -fully clothed- but curled up close. Stiles let his fingers brush over Derek's sculpted face as he looked into his green eyes rimmed around with redness as if he was rubbing his eyes a lot. Derek's eyes don't leave Stiles's trailing eyes as he keeps an arm wrapped around the human boy. "I missed you sourwolf." Stiles sleepily whispered as he kept a grip on Derek's undershirt. Derek pulled Stiles closer than ever and nuzzled his nose into Stiles's neck and breathed in the warm smell of vanilla and lavender.

"I missed you more Sti."

Two hours later Stiles woke up to an empty bed and looked around for Derek only to hear what sounded like whining and muttering. Then he heard his name being called, shouted actually and that made Stiles shoot up from the warm bed and into the kitchen where Derek was surrounded by orange juice and shattered glass, pressed against the counter with his eyes wide with fear. Stiles turned to see Isaac with his hands up looking at Derek.

"I-I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, I'm sorry." Derek rambled, pressing himself harder against the counter when Isaac moved close. "It's alright Derek. Whatever happened is alright." Isaac said when Stiles came up and made Derek look at him. "Derek, Derek look at me. It's alright. It's just Isaac. He's not gonna hurt you." Stiles placed his hands on either side of Derek's cheeks and stroked them with his thumbs. Derek took slow breaths with Stiles and continued to even when Stiles turned to look at Isaac who looked shocked.

"What are you doing here Isaac?" Stiles asked the boy who looked away from Derek who wrapped his arms around Stiles's waist and hid his face in his shoulder. "Scott threw me out and I was trying to find you but ended up tracking you here. Is he alright?" Isaac pointed to Derek and Stiles swore he felt something wet drip on his shirt and Isaac pouted, backing up. "I don't know but I'm afraid to say yes. We need to see Deaton." "I'll help you get him there...if that's okay?" Isaac asked sheepishly and Stiles nodded. "Can you clean up this mess for me? I'm going to help him get ready." Isaac nodded and in no time the mess in the floor was in the trash and mopped up the juice when Derek and Stiles came downstairs hand in hand. "Ready to go pu- Isaac?" Stiles asked and Isaac nodded, following Stiles and Derek out.

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