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*This👆🏻 is Tessa.
Please let me know how I'm doing!*

~Tessa's POV~
"Well this is boring... Harleen get off work!"
I said to myself. Maybe I should go get her some lunch, it'll give me an excuse to get out of the house... Yeah I'll go.

I really didn't know what to get get her so I went through the McDonald's drive thru and ordered Two Cheeseburgers and some Fries.
On the drive over to the asylum I wondered if she would be with The Joker... Seeing as that is her patient. How can someone so crazy and creepy be so attractive? I thought to myself. Tessa Stop He's a sociopath for crying out loud! I sighed.

As I got out of the car I started walking up the endless stairs leading to the door. Finally making it to the Door I rang the Bell.

"Hello?" I heard a deep male voice call out. "Delivery for Dr. Quinzel" I smirked. "What's you're name Miss?" He questioned.
"Heartz, Tessa Heartz" I waited impatiently as I heard the door creak open. "Welcome Back Ms. Heartz" one of the patients called out to me. I smiled and made my way to Harleen's office, I noticed two guard standing by the door with weapons.

"Excuse me? Is Dr. Quinzel in there?" I smiled sweetly. "Yes she is but she's working with a very dangerous man at the moment." I rolled my eyes.

"The Joker?" I raised a brow. "Yes Ma'am, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave this area as a safely precaution." I chuckled and made my way to door.

"Oh please" I smirked. The guards raised their guns at me. "Ma'am you can't enter this room." I smiled and turned towards him, stepping on my tip-toes and lightly kissing his lips.

"I believe I can do what I please." I smirked and twisted the handle to let myself in.

"Harleen, Dear you would not believe what I had to do to bring you this." I chuckled and set the bag of greasy food on the table. Harleen chuckled and looked up at me.

"Really Tess? I'm a little busy" She laughed. I glanced over at Him... The one and only, The Joker. I noticed he was staring intently at me, He started to laugh lightly.

"And who might you be my Dear?" He leaned forward. "Normally I don't give my name to strangers... Especially Strangers at Asylums but... I'm Tessa, Tessa Heartz, Nice ta meet Cha'!!" I smiled brightly.

"Tessa.... Tessa... Tessa My Dear that's a beautiful name, Tell Me, how did you get passed the guards... Nobody other than the doctors can be near me.... Because I'm 'Dangerous'" He started to laugh evilly. My eyes widened, and leaned towards Harleen and Whispered.

"I LOVE this guy" I smirked and pulled up a chair. "Well Joker, May I call you Joker?" I tilted my head. "Deary you can call me anything you'd like" he grinned.

"Alright well if you know those guards like I do, you can get anything you want with a simple Smile and A Kiss" I smirked and leaned back in my chair. The Joker grinned.

"Then I'm sure you could bring whatever you want in this room here." He tilted his head. "Yeah I'd say so" I chuckled. "Hmm, you... You my Dear what is it about you?" He laughed lightly and grinned.

"You're Inhuman..." He leaned forwards. Harleen and My eyes widened... "How did you know that?!" We both whisper yelled.

"Oh Kitten it's obvious. The way you talk, the way you can get whatever you want. You aren't easily scared... Most people that meet me are terrified. But you, you're so calm... So brave. I assume... Your lips hypnotize?" He Grins.

"Ho-ly Shit.... you're good I'll give you that." I smirk and lean back in my seat. I heard the door creak open. "Joker times up, back to your cell." The guard stands at the door.

"Oh my dear, Sweet Tessa...I truly hope we meet again." The Joker stands to his feet and looks down at me. "Such a beautiful creature" he grinned and was dragged off by the guards.

"God he's hot." I fake collapse into Harleen's arms. "Get it together" She chuckles. "See you back at home?" I smiled walking backwards out the door. "Yeah. See ya, thanks for the lunch!" She smiles.

"See you soon Dear." I chuckled at The Joker who was being thrown back into his Cell. "I hope so!" I yelled back.

That was fun. ~Tessa

Deadly Love ( The Joker's Love story)((ON HOLD UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE))Where stories live. Discover now